Lost my recipe for pineapple cucumber salsa.

I made it a lot - paired with crab cake sandwiches - when I lived in HI but haven’t had much cause to make it since I returned to MN 10 years ago, so it’s been lost. I’ve googled around but everything I’ve found so far isn’t it. I got it out of either the Honolulu Star-Bulletin or the Advertiser around 1995.

It was a special request from my seeeeestah and I don’t have the time/money to experiment before I see her next week, but I’m hoping that the experts around here can give me a best guess consensus that’ll help me recreate it.

I’m pretty sure I’m missing something but can’t for the life of me remember what it (or they) might be, but it’s the proportions that are beyond the reach of my virtually nonexistent mad kitchen sk1llz.

Here’s what I know was in it:
One pineapple, peeled, cored, and finely diced
Cucumbers, peeled, seeded, and finely diced - but I can’t remember how many
Shallots, finely diced - again, I can’t remember how many
Rice wine vinegar - can’t remember how much
Sugar - ditto

Here’s what I know was not in it:
Salt, pepper, or any spices resembling heat (i.e., peppers, jerk, chili powder) - but there might have been ginger

Hep me?

Heh. Never mind. Just looked in that “one last place” - you know, where you never actually find what you’re looking for. It was mixed in with a bunch of fish recipes. Appropriate as it was presented as an accompaniment to swordfish, but still.

If you’re interested:

1 1/2 t grated ginger
1 clove minced garlic
1/4 cup pineapple juice
1/4 c dry white wine
1 t sugar
1 t rice wine vinegar
1/2 finely diced pineapple
4 oz finely diced cuke
1 minced shallot

OK, so now I want to try this. One question though:

when you say “1/2 finely diced pineapple”…do you mean use 1/2 of a whole pineapple?

Yup, exactly.

And while typing it up in an email just now I realized that what’s above is a bit off. The ginger, garlic, juice, and wine is meant to be the marinade for the fishies.

It really is good. Enjoy. :slight_smile: