LOST: What mysteries remain? Which do you want answered most?

Who will be the next Jacob?
I’ve said before that it’ll be Jack continuing the feud Shepard v. Locke. 100% sure

Who were (are) Adam and Eve?
I was almost convinced it was Sawyer and Kate who make an attempt to get off the island and instead go back in time but I like the Rose & Bernard (black and white) angle better because they want to stay on the island. 98.3% sure it’s R&B

What is the island?
Since the writer want to blend science and metaphysics, the island is an electromagnetic bottle holding MiB. It was also the mythical island of Atlantis on one of its shifts which is why Tiamat is on it. For some reason, there needs to be a Jacob or candidate alive to keep MiB on it. 85% sure

Who are Jacob and MiB?
Cain and Abel originally and the island was the Land of Nod which is why Jacob can travel and MiB cannot. But if so, where is the mark of Cain and what damage would Cain do off the island? 50% sure on this one

What were DHARMA and the numbers about?
The numbers were the results of the Vanzetti equation and DHARMA realized the numbers were linked to the Island. The reason that they could never change the numbers was that the represented people and not numeric values. The numbers are linked to the end of humanity because if those candiddates fail, MiB leaves the island. 68% sure
Interesting question: in the Alt timeline, are they really the same people not having been molded by whatever force? Then they are not the candidates so is there another batch of candidates in Bizarroland?

Who was Hanso? Why can’t women carry to term? Will the losties in the ALT all crash on another flight like Return to Gilligan’s Island?
I think the writers are done with this storyline.

That’s a pretty good reference – not exactly comprehensive, but at least it’s a good starting place. I’d seen Lostpedia, but not that particular page. Thanks!

I think we’re supposed to assume that Jack was right. The dynamite in the Black Rock didn’t blow when Richard/Jack did the “suicide” test, and likewise the sub bomb wouldn’t have gone off if Sawyer had just left it alone. As I said in another thread, I think this was Jack’s last “test” to prove he was the final candidate.

Agreed – this is an excellent way to connect the Valenzetti equation *Lost Experience *stuff with the (IMO less interesting) in-show explanation of the numbers representing the candidates. But since the writers never bothered to mention the Valenzetti equation on the actual show (which sucked, because they had plenty of opportunities), and the producers have said they’re done talking about the numbers, it looks like we’re going to have to accept this theory as true without in-show confirmation. A missed opportunity if you ask me, since it’s a very cool way to tie the Dharma Initiative into the Jacob/MIB conflict.

Some very good questions/mysteries have been brought up here! I’d forgotten all about some of this stuff.

I’ve thought of this theory too and I’d be happy if it were the explanation.

Like Winston Bongo said since the producers have said they are done with the numbers I think this is the best possible explanantion and I’m satisfied with it and from now on will consider it the actual explanation.

Other than the main, obvious thing – who/what are Jacob and Smokey, and what is the nature of their conflict – I’d like to get an idea of why the Others couldn’t have babies, and it’d be very nice to get some tie-up with Walt. Pretty much everything else that goes unanswered can be subsumed under “Jacob did it.”


What the…???


Man, all these questions above are old hat.

What I want to know is how the hell did Richard cope with being alone on the island before the Others showed up? The 1870s must have been a bummer, not to mention the 1890s or the 1910s, especially after any new shipwrecks killed each other. Along similar lines, just how did the ADHDers from Oceanic 815 handle their time on the island? Transcendental Meditation?

The biggest jarring thing I find in LOST is the schizophrenic treatment of human psychology i.e. at times a veritable depiction of human behavior, and at others, comic-book-style character molds.

Does anyone remember when Sawyer and Kate saw Kate’s horse on the island, for no particular reason? What the fuck was that all about?

What was the significance of the tatoo/brand that Juliet received when tryed by the others?

If Jacob and MiB are Cain and Able maybe “Adam and Eve” are…Adam and Eve!
MiB did say his mom had issues. Original sin much?

Though MiB feels like Cain, I’m not sure Jacob = Able. Able did die at Cain’s hands, so MiB wanting to kill Jacob probably wouldn’t have come as a shock.

As for the mark, smoke maybe?

Sawyer lists as his interests Kate, Ana Lucia, and Juliet.

I thought this was a result of either ‘The Incident’ or ‘The Purge’ since we saw Ethan being born in the 1970s. Although I’m not sure if he was conceived and carried to term there.

It’s just a horse. It was later revealed that the Others keep horses. One got out, just like one of the polar bears.

But Ethan was born to Dharma-ites, so the curse might have already been on the Others.


According to HelloNinja’s link, the following mysteries are completely “unresolved.”

*Hurley Bird- I think this one might be chalked up as a twin peaks-esque, weird for the sake of weird. My gut says it was the MiB.
*Adam and Eve- This will certainly be resolved.

  • Cabin Resident- This will be resolved.
  • Ancient Dagger- Not sure there is much to it, but if so next week will tell us.
  • MiB’s Mother- Will certainly be resolved.
  • Supply Drop- Still my favorite mystery. I have a few theories. Not sure this one will be explained.
  • Glass Eye- Minutia. Weird for the sake of weird. Probably Mikhail’s.
  • Walt’s Powers- If there is no official explaination, I’ll go along with Cliffy’s “Jacob did it.”
  • Outrigger Chase- I want something on this one. I REALLY thought last week someone from either Widmore or MiB’s party would chase an outrigger, only to see it disappear. If we never see anymore about this, I’ll assume it was just some Others, but it felt like they didn’t show us the shooters on purpose.
  • Ajira Passenger Massacre- It was either Widmore or MiB. I don’t really care. Both are brutal killers.
  • Sayid’s Assailants- I didn’t even know this was a mystery. Was it some guys from Widmore? Was it Ben setting him up? Was it Illana’s group? Not sure I care, but I would be interested to see who the people were that Ben had Sayid killing off. Where they Widmore’s men or just guys that hooked up with girls Ben wanted to sleep with?
  • Island Submergence- I’m pretty sure this one is getting an answer.
  • Jack’s ATL wounds- I would have classified this as a partial, myself. It seems like there is a direct connection between the event of the island and the events of the ATL.
  • The Mother of Jack’s ATL son- I would not be surprised if it is someone like Juliet, but this might not even be a mystery. She might just be some bar skank that Jack got pregnant.
  • Walt visions (wet walt and tall walt)- Could be weird for the sake of weird. After debating the “who cares” crowd, I’m willing to just move on.
  • Kate’s Horse- Twin Peaks. MiB. This one never interested me, because most Kate storylines do not interest me.
  • Daniel (some Eko vision)- I didn’t even remember this kid and I am a Lost junkie. Smokey?
  • Mysterious Boy (appears to MiB)- 100% will be answered.

It appears most of the fully unresolved issues revolve around Jacob, so maybe it wasn’t as bad as some thought.

However, I think I would have included the following “partials” in the unresolved bucket:
*Pregnancy Issues- I really think all we have are theories.
*Emily Linus- Probably the smoke monster, but who knows?

This thread made me think of another question - how did young Ethan survive the purge?


IIRC, he had already been suborned by the Others, like Ben. So they probably gave him a mask.

ISTM that was just meant as a “wouldn’t this be cool” retcon, and I think it was a mistake. Horace was a flawed character, but there was nothing established to show why his son would be willing to have him killed – unlike what we saw between Ben and Roger Linus.


The other problem is that it was clear in the early seasons that the Purge was much, MUCH earlier–like decades. Dharma was defunct by the mid to late '70s, tops.

It wasn’t until way later that the Dharma purge was moved to 1992.

(You can sort-of retcon this by saying that the Dharma initiative was working as a skeleton (ha!) crew and it was the minimal presence there that was purged–although why there weren’t more people in rotation at The Hatch is a question–and why the “culture” in The Hatch was stuck at 1971 still remains a mystery.

I think the Incident explains that pretty well. We saw that a good number of the Dharmites were evacuated right before hand. Probably they left behind just enough people to modify the Swan to deal with the energy leak and set up the button. Things got tense with the Others, probably partly because Ben had defected and was telling them about the things Dharma wasn’t supposed to be doing and the places they weren’t supposed to be going. Scared, and possibly also wanting to have Dharma back to it’s heyday state, they built the Tempest Station to wipe out the Others. Ben told them, and they did their preemptive strike.

I figure the 70’s stuff is because the funding got reduced, so they made due.

Not one person brought a walkman and some cassettes in the years from 79-92? There’s not one video cassette brought over in 13 years? Hell, no-one brought some new albums?

Did they ever explain why someone was watching other people in other locations via closed circuit TVs, making out reports and then sending the reports in canisters via a tube that ended in a pile of the canisters somewhere on the island?

That’s the thing–that makes sense if Dharma was abandoned in the late '70s, leaving behind Radzinski, trapped in the hatch…the Pearl was to make sure that Radzinski kept pushing the button with a tiny skeleton crew left behind and the cover story (so the people in the Pearl didn’t freak out that this one crazy guy was pushing the button and stopping the world from coming to an end) makes sense too–if the Dharma guys were there until the '90s, why the Pearl? Assuming you can’t automate the button pushing (because of the electromagnetic anomaly), why not have a few dozen people in button pushing rotation? And surely one person in that rotating crew would have brought in a Walkman–or a cassette deck and some music more modern than 1968. And if it was a rotating crew, there’d be no need for The Pearl.

The only way the Hatch makes sense is if Dharma was abandoned 15 years earlier than the 1992 date.

Also, why does Hatch Defcon Zero’s display turn into hieroglyphics? As far as we know, the Dharmoids didn’t have any real knowledge of the Egyptians. What dot he hieroglyphics say, anyway?