Loud coffee pots: How do I fix it?

My coffee pot hasn’t always been loud - I don’t remember it ever waking me up when I lived in Atlanta.

Then I moved to Knoxville (I figure locations are important because water quality may affect this), and after several months of making one pot a day, it got to the point that it would wake me up when the timer kicked on and the water started going through.

It’s most popping noises, like maybe the water’s moving slow through it and pressure builds up, then the water goes through fast, followed (or maybe preceded) by air.

I’ve assumed this is cause by some sort of buildup in the works. What’s the best way to clear it out? Running vinegar through it?
Oh, and it’s a Black and Decker, maybe 3 years old.

Try this stuff. Vinegar, being acidic, can corrode metal parts over time. This stuff is much safer, and more effective. Plus it won’t leave your next pot of coffee tasting vinegary.

I’ve used citric acid, ~1oz in a potful, twice a year for 13 years on my Bunn coffeemaker with no corrosion problems. I run the same solution through 4 times, rinse, and Ca deposits are eliminated. It’s faster working than acetic acid, and cheaper than Durgol. You can get citric acid at your local food co-op, or at some coffee stores.

Why fix it? You’re the proud owner of a combination alarm clock/coffee maker.

Ok, thanks ** Q.E.D.** and Squink.
Couple of things with that:

Now it’s just time to figure out if we have a local food co-op or who in Knoxville might sell citric acid - the only coffee story type place I know of around here is Starbucks, and I really don’t think that’s their kind of thing.

If and only if I can’t find that (and if I can put up with the noise until the end of August, when I will once again have funds), I’ll check into ** Q.E.D.**'s product.

You can visit the store & ask for some coffee pot cleaner, Im sure it’s sold as such.

Vinegar should work, my coffeepot manuals have suggested it, but you might check your manual & see what it says to use. You should run a clean pot of water through after doing that.