Low carb diet for 4 weeks - Anyone care to join me? [Continung discussion]

I’m in! I’ve been keto for six years but lately I’ve been cheat-o. I need to recommit.

I’m in.


Mean Mr. Mustard
peedin (through 5/30)
Sunny Daze

Already have been doing low carb but in the club:

John Mace


Dung Beetle


Any diet with an end date is doomed to fail. A diet needs to be permanent.

By all means Count Me In. I started the induction diet roughly 12 days ago. I have already lost 8 pounds.

My joints are starting to feel better. I was highly successful with this 20 years ago, and have done it a few times over the years since with great success.

( side note for those people who say that this kind of diet is temporary and you always gain all of the weight back. I coupled the diet 20 years ago with starting to do Taekwondo. I lost almost 50 pounds and kept it off within five to eight pounds of that range the entire time until I had a bad accident in late 2000. I was immobilized and slowly gain the weight back over the next year or two. I would argue that it is not a fad or a quick diet fix but indeed a lifestyle that is entirely successful. Avoiding all of the sugars and carbohydrates is also a terrific weigh at my age - 55 - to avoid diabetes.)

I am 12 weeks post operative on a total hip replacement. Losing the weight is essential and my joints always feel so much better when they have no carbohydrates and sugars banging around in them. Count me in and I will be chiming in as to how I am doing! Good luck everybody!

As a reminder to the newbies on this diet plan, make one stool softener a day be part of your life. Trust me - you will be grateful. Almost everyone who starts down this path has some pretty significant problems arranging themselves in the bathroom with some level of comfort once they really hit ketosis.

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Good for a laugh in this thread !!

" New Cheato-Acidosis Crunchies, from Lays. That great cheddar cheese flavor without any carbohydrate guilt !! "


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We love protein yes we do
We love bacon, how ‘bout you?

I don’t know but I’ve been told
DulcoEase is good as gold.

Push it out, shove it out, WAAAYYY OUT!

I’ve been low-carbing since March 2017, although there have been some “falling off the wagon” episodes this year. Trying to keep hardcore until we go to Disney World for the first week of June, when I will eat like a starving hippopotamus.

Walking is my bag, baby. Last year I bought a Fitbit and started walking farther and farther. Now, I can’t remember the last time I didn’t get my 10K a day, and I just got my “Great Barrier Reef” badge (1,600 miles since I got my Fitbit last April). I’m also lifting weights with a personal trainer, because the weight I lost left me kinda flabby. So far it’s all going good.

So, I’m in, but I’ve been on the wagon a while now.

Why not?
But I started already, on Apr 10th .


Mean Mr. Mustard
peedin (through 5/30)
Sunny Daze
Already have been doing low carb but in the club:

John Mace
Max Torque


Dung Beetle

Our cheer:

We love protein yes we do
We love bacon, how ‘bout you?

I don’t know but I’ve been told
DulcoEase is good as gold.

Push it out, shove it out, WAAAYYY OUT!

I couldnt do it, but I sure would like to lose about 100 pounds, well I need to.

I would wear this t-shirt while cheering on the OP’s weight loss efforts.*

The only enemy in my now more than year-long as so far successful weight loss plan is calories. And, well, sluggishness. You will get me to give up my weekly pasta dinner when you wrench the box from my cold, dead fish-white hands, only you won’t be able to overcome the rigor mortis.

*…except that I don’t like the style, and it resembles a diaper more than a t-shirt.

I have also been losing since the first of March. I can’t believe how much I had gained in the last few months. I’m down 17 lbs so far. I feel so much better it is just amazing.

Food is tricky for me lately. But I too enjoy walking. I walked 8 miles just yesterday. I routinely get over 3 miles, but yesterday, I just didn’t want to stop walking. Until my back started to ache anyway.

But, I’m in because I want to lose another 7 pounds or so. Low carb sounds like a better option than Jenny Craig for awhile.

Good Luck everyone.

My only problem with low carb is that the staggering amounts of green leafies required plays havoc with my prothrombin times and the anti-coag team is gonna go mental trying to rebalance my warfarin dosage to account for it. That’s gonna mean lots and lots of finger pokes for me, joy. Well, at least with my new healthcare provider it’s a drop in at the lab rather than having to schedule it. Still. grump


Mean Mr. Mustard
peedin (through 5/30)
Sunny Daze
not what you’d expect
Already have been doing low carb but in the club:

John Mace
Max Torque


Dung Beetle
Wild Blue Yonder

Official cheer:

We love protein yes we do
We love bacon, how ‘bout you?

I don’t know but I’ve been told
DulcoEase is good as gold.

Push it out, shove it out, WAAAYYY OUT!

Kind enough to drop in to tell us we’re gonna fail:


Last night we had artichokes. I also had a Chile Lime Chicken Burger, ‘protein style’ (i.e., wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun).

I’m thinking we might have falafel tonight. Osem Falafel Mix has 15 g of carbohydrates and 4 g dietary fibre, for 11 g net per serving. There are six servings per bag, so I’m guessing that’s about three or four patties. (I’ve never counted.) Another source says a serving is ‘5 balls’, which have 16 g net carbohydrates. That’s enough for two sandwiches. If/when we have falafel tonight (or soon), we’ll have it on Mission low-carb tortillas instead of pita. They’re 4 g net carbohydrate per tortilla.

I’m a little leery of the whole ‘net carbs’ deal; seems like cheating to me. Is it legit?

Anyway, just got back from the store (or what I call ‘meat shopping’). Chicken thighs, brats, Italian sausage, bacon, lettuce, green onions, cream cheese, summer sausage, cheddar cheese, feta, and lots of eggs.

For dinner today: drunken noodles :slight_smile:

I’m in! I’m following a low-carb diet on doctors’ orders anyway, so maybe you guys can help me stay in line.

My doc has set a limit of 45 grams of total carbohydrates a day, which she said is approximately one regular-sized slice of bread. So, the diet I’ve been following, which has been working pretty well, has these parameters:

  1. 16/8 intermittent fasting. Generally I try to fast from 10 p.m. until 2 p.m. the next day. If I can start my fast earlier in the evening, it actually works out. But generally I think 10 p.m. works in case we end up going out or some social event or something.
    — To ward off hunger (generally useful as I hit the 12-hour mark): Plain or fizzy water, black coffee or tea

  2. Strict avoidance of wheat, rice, corn, and potato products, fruits, and anything with added sugar.

  3. Avoiding zero-calorie sweeteners. Beverages are: plain water, fizzy water, flavored (unsweetened) fizzy water, unsweetened coffee and tea

  4. Generally stick to: Meats (walking, swimming, and flying), eggs, cheese, nuts, vegetables (most commonly green beans, broccoli, and the like)

I allow myself a bit of high-carb veggies like carrots, so that makes it not-quite Atkins-intense, and fits into the 45 gram leeway from my doc.

First return on What are net carbohydrates?:

I have been doing what Johnny L.A. is doing. I walk a little less often, but working on increasing. Arrendajo is a great motivator and walks with me most of the time. I have lost 6 lbs since I began on April 5th. The first few pounds were water, surely, but the belt doesn’t lie and the inches are coming off. I have 15 more lbs to lose.

I’m in! Thanks for the suggestion, MMM! :slight_smile: