L'Shana Tova

Happy New year, good yuntiff, happy Rosh Hashanah to all who celebrate.

May you have a sweet new year.


When did it start, last night? I’m late! I need to send a card to my friend! :eek:

A Happy New Year to you as well.

Since you’re here, I was wondering this morning was the translation of Rosh Hashanah is. Does it mean “New Year”? While I’m asking, what does L’Shana Tova mean? Is it the traditional greeting for Rosh Hashana?


Rosh Hashanah means literally head (rosh) of the year, or the New Year. L’Shanah Tovah means good year. (This is approximate, and I’ll gladly defer to a more specific translation.)

::MsRobyn goes into the kitchen and cuts up some more apples and honey::


MsRobyn: Warning! Warning! Do not under any circumstances attempt to cut up honey.

You mean it doesn’t work? :wink:
