
Holy shit, two days later and I am still in shock!

LSU wins the game on a hail mary pass, from their own 15 yard line, as the clock expires!!?? :eek:

The Kentucky coach has already already been doused with Gatoraide. The Kentucky fans are swarming at the opposite end zone, getting ready to storm the field (some fans were already climbing the goal posts). The local announcers were chirping about how this is one of the biggest upsets in Kentucky football history. And then, BAM! A 50 yard hail mary pass gets batted around 4 times and lands in an LSU players hands who marches into the end zones, as time runs out, to win it!



This game wil be replayed for years and years to come. Right up there with the Kordell Stewert play with Colorodo, and the Doug Flutie play with Boston College. Wow!

Yes, it will. And it was all avoidable. For reasons known only to himself, the KY. Quarterback called his team’s last time-out with 15 seconds left while they were waiting to kick the “winning” field goal. If he had let the clock run down to 3 or 4 seconds before calling the time out, KY wouldn’t have had to kick off to LSU, and the Bayou Bengals would never have touched the ball again. Time would have expired on the field goal play.
Oh, well… It seems that teams with a winning tradition win these sorts of games, and those that aren’t used to winning find a way to lose them.

And if in 1982 Cal vs Stanford, John Elway had let the clock run down a little longer, instead of calling “time” with 8 seconds left–Cal wouldn’t have run the ensuing kickoff through the Stanford band for the game-winning touchdown.

Hee hee…

As an LSU alum and die-hard fan (I bleed purple and gold), I was listening to this gave over the Internet. After Kentucky made the field goal, I almost shut down my browser.


It was with resignation that I kept listening, more to hear the wrap-up and coach’s comments than anything. I mean, I know the guy can’t throw the ball 80 yards in the air. Even a completion won’t help, with just 2 seconds left. Surely, Kentucky would have a couple of guys on the goal line to stop any weird deflection or hook and ladder/lateral play. Right?

That’s when Jim Hawthorn went nuts.

I went nuts too. Whooping and hollering, bounding down the stairs to switch on ESPN to see the inevitable replay. My wife thought I was crazy.

Then, I had a horrible thought.

There was a flag on the play.

Of course there must have been. Plays like this don’t just happen. Illegal procedure. Lineman downfield. Something.

But all was right with the world this fine Saturday afternoon. This was better than the Auburn earthquake game in Tiger stadium (I was there for that one).

The looks on the Kentucky fans’ faces were priceless when the realization of reality slowly sank in.

Of course, it was a lucky play. But LSU played well against an inspired Wildcat team to put themselves into a position to have a chance at the end. Don’t forget the pass that got them to the 25-yard line and the immediate timeout to save those 2 seconds.

I will remember this game for a long long time. (It helps to ease the memory of LSU basketball being up on Kentucky by 31 points in the second half and losing. Ouch)

Our coach called the timeout from the sidelines. The reasoning, as near as I can tell, was that we had a bad snap on an earlier field goal attempt(actually a PAT), so if there was a bad snap, catch it and spike it, then run it again. Bad decision, one that most of us in the north endzone we talking about. Then the heartbreak. It was a great game all the way through, until that.

Oh well, if we beat Tennessee, I’ll be happy.