Lucas calls SWIII "a tearjerker"

You’re being too easy on him.

I think he should trip and fall down the 800 flights of stairs in the chambers of the Senate until he reaches the bottom, broken and battered, landing on the pod containing the delegation from the planet of Big Hungry Alligators.

With no sound.

In slow motion.

Set to “The Blue Danube Waltz.”

I’m not really into the EU stuff either, and looking into it, it turns out that I’ve misinterpreted stuff that I’ve heard second-hand.

It’s the Dark Horse Dark Empire comic book series in which Luke pledges himself to Palpatine, immersing himself in the Dark Side.

I had assumed that it was set in between Ep V and Ep VI, and that kind of made sense because Luke’s tone is so different in RoTJ – but as it happens, this was supposed to take place after RoTJ.



Yes and no. In some scenes in the DVD release (you know, the Extra-Extra-Special one where all the mistakes are finally corrected and we have Lucas’s TRUE VISION that he was unable to show us before), Luke’s lightsabre is green. Since that’s absolutely exactly what Lucas wanted to show us all this time, maybe he did inherit a green one from dear ol’ Dad.

So, is this pure noncanonical bullshit, or Lucas’ projected story arc for the third trilogy? (Always assuming.)

It’s hard to say one way or another. EU stuff DOES have an official imprintur,and often it’s better written and plotted than the movies, and there is some attempt at continuity (well, moreso now with these new movies than before).

I still say Yoda was wrong. Luke still did a lot of good, and everything turned out fine in the end: he redeemed his father and led things to the defeat of Palpatine.

The only time Luke’s saber has ever been green was in RotJ, which was the saber that he created in order to complete his training. Luke’s saber sometimes appears to be a lighter blue/almost whitish color in A New Hope, but never does he possess a green saber until Return of the Jedi.

Anakin only loses one saber in Attack of the Clones, it gets cut in half in the droid factory. The two sabers Obi Wan and Anakin had in the fight against Dooku were just on loan because the Jedi probably assumed that their sabers would have been taken after capture.

The green saber gets destoyed during the duel with Dooku and the blue one is still in the grasp of Anakin’s severed arm.

Anakin and Obi Wan have both created new sabers for Episode 3, seeing as how they had to replace their old ones which were destroyed or taken. Anakin’s blue saber will be taken by Obi Wan after the duel and given to Luke, who will have it until he loses his hand to Vader. Afterwards, Luke will construct his own green saber.

Lucas originally had nine episodes planned, because in Episode 6 he was going to make Luke kill Vader and fall to the darkside. Episodes 7, 8, and 9 were going to then be about Luke as a dark lord, and Leia training to win him back from the darkside.

But when it actually came time to make Return of the Jedi, Lucas decided he wanted to wrap everything up in that episode, rather than make 3 more. So no, there will be no 7, 8, and 9. Lucas decided against that back in 1983.

And there’s now talk that Lucas will hire Kevin Smith to do a TV series, thus completing the contradictory cycle of Lucas and WTF is up with Star Wars.

Pity . . . there’s still so much to be done. I mean, just killing the Emperor doesn’t automatically restore the Republic – or eliminate the flaws that caused it to fail.

Well, let’s hope the TV series will showcase the early years (before Ep. 1) instead of going forward, post-ROTJ.

I’d prefer any TV series going to the time period of “Knights of the Old Republic” games (1000 years before ANH, IIRC) rather than being around the two trilogies time period.

DataZak, I don’t have a cite for this, but apparently Mark Hammil is involved in the TV series too, and there’s suggestions it may be called, ‘The Adventures of Luke Skywalker’ (which is cheesy, so I’m hoping it’s changed. There needs to be more matinee serial flavour in the title).

I think it could work, Hammil has grown a lot, and I think he’d handle the role of a tortured, lone Jedi wandering the galaxy during the restoration of the Republic. Very Kung Fu if it’s done properly. Again, no cite, but I understand his role would be a recurring thing, rather than central to the series.

I’ve also not heard anything about it of late. Anyone have other details?

Let them adapt the Thrawn trilogy novels for TV. That’d be fun to watch. Probably wont happen but I can dream.

Maybe they should just go with an animated series. Ron Perlman can play Admiral Thrawn.

An animated version of the Thrawn Trilogy would be very cool indeed. Or an animated version of Splinter in the Mind’s Eye (but they’d have to tweak the story to fit into the overall series -and it’s not like George hasn’t altered the story to make it consistent before).

I think that a pretty good TV-series could be made based on the Rogue/Wraith Squadron novels. It could even be made non-animated if it avoids using any of the famous characters like Luke, han, Leia etc instead focusing on the pilots in the squadron.

Uh… cite?
From all the documentaries and interviews I have read, there would only be 1 part, which got split up into three.
Never has there been talk of 9 episodes. (as far as I know)

The “trilogy of trilogies” buzz has been around for a very long time. Here’s one site’s take on it:

Googling “Star Wars” and “trilogy of trilogies” also brings up this interesting link:

You know, when I first saw the thread title I read it as "Lucas calls SWILL “a tearjerker.”

I may yet be proven right too. :stuck_out_tongue:

He also drops one in coruscant during the chase scene at the beginning, at which point they make it sound like its a common occurrence.

I would so be down for that. Who would you get to play the Dark Jedi?