Lurkers creep me out...

Under 20K in 10 yrs! :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m going to continue lurking for several more years before I start posting. Best not to rush into these things.

I’m a long time lurker - by the time I think of a response the thread is either over or move onto other topics.

How do you tell? Subtracting Replies from Views? There are some threads with 1000+ views and less than 10x that in replies. It is creepy.

It’s fun to think about who some of these lurkers might be. Odds are, a big-name-somebody-famous or two has found the Dope by Googling their own name, and decided they liked it enough to lurk.

I like to imagine that such a somebody has enjoyed a post or thread of mine :cool:

This has occurred to me in many forms:

  1. Celebrities checking for what “fans” really think about them
  2. TV show producers wanting genuine feedback
  3. government agency types who just have to check everywhere for civil unrest and plotting
  4. CEO’s and other executives finding dirt on their underlings
  5. parents snooping on their kids
  6. aliens

She just knows that the Lurker is out there.


Thinking about her posts.

Imagining his fingers running over the keys, caressing the letters into form. As the thread gets more heated, and tensions rise to new, unbearable levels, the Lurker, with more fortitude than even he thought possible, stays his hand. He knows that it cannot be. He can never put himself out there, for her to see. She’ll know the second their eyes meet, across the years.

I am mildly amused to note that, at the time of this posting, this thread has 474 views to only 28 (well, 29 now) posts. I presume that Becky is suitably creeped out. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, I appreciate when new posters take the time to learn a little about the board before jumping in.

Lurker and thread killer, so mostly lurker.

Lurker and poster. I’ll even start a thread on occasion. :wink:


We’ve had some posters that should have lurked at least a little while longer before posting.

Some lurkers are creepy, but not the kind we get around here.

Sorry about that.

Maybe you should draw the blinds.

They’re watching us. With their eyes.

Exactly - recent history bears this out.

I am mostly a lurker; only 400 posts in 3.5 years. This board it the only human contact I have for weeks at a time. I really enjoy your lively intelligent minds. I rarely have any pithy response. I think of many threads I want to start; but I imagine you reading and thinking they are stupid.
Please do not be creeped out by me.:slight_smile:

Is that the standard? I’m a lurking MACHINE.

I have learned a whole lot from lurking around Great Debates for a very long time but I don’t think I have ever had anything to add, I say my thanks to participants silently without interrupting the flow. My contributions aren’t needed on topics I haven’t even thought about before seeing them laid out here.

ETA: My 692nd post in over a decade, no wonder I am thought to be extinct

Same here.

I lurk in my sane moods. Post in my not so sane moods. :smiley: