I just noticed the “Currently Active Members” feature! Why do we need that? Jeez, this plus the “Views” feature is making me paranoid!
I was just coming over here to expess appreciation for “currently active members” - Since I’m usually on the board during late night hours - It lets me know if I’m here all alone or not. Sometimes I can tell, sometimes I can’t.
I think the “views” thing is completely useless. Who cares?
It’s nice to know who is online, maybe MPSMI will become more like a chat room ,time will tell.
If you don’t think the views are useful, well, I suppose you don’t have to use that feature.
Go change your preferences.
It is “nice” to know if there is anyone else active on the board - especially at night when misery loves company.
The view thing is “nice,” too - indication of interest. If only two people respond, you might wonder what happened, if 12 people viewed and said nothing you might be able to think that the answer to the question was read and approved of.
I don’t like people knowing that I’m lurking either. But, I also want everyone to have my e-mail address, incase they need it for some odd reason. And you can’t turn off the “logged on” feature, without hiding your e-address also. Bummer. So, I’ll leave it how it is.
BTW, I LOVE this “preview reply” feature. Overall, I think the board is better this way. The pros slightly outweigh the cons.
Well, I was looking for a good place to ask this question, and this seems to be the place! If I’m understanding Phobia right, I think I’ve been answered but I’m gonna ask anyway.
PRIVACY MODE: Clicking yes hides email, ICQ number, AIM ID in profile and also hides you in ‘Logged In Users’ list.
Does this mean that if we click ‘yes’, we will not appear on the ‘current users’ (or whatever it’s called) list at the bottom of the main forum page? I noticed that I wasn’t listed after I made a post, and I’m in the yes-hide-it mode. I’m assuming it only lists people who have posted within a certain length of time?
I suspect the ‘current users’ list will be something that will need to be done away with eventually, if possible. What is the main page going to look like when there are 50 people all posting to the board at the same time? I think I see a problem looming in the future . . .
Since a few people have concerns about this feature it has been disabled.
Thank You.
Thank you, Mr. Davis. I think that was a wise decision. I didn’t care one way or the other, but it did look like a potential problem, and certainly some people were uncomfortable with it.
You guys are the best! Thanks for all of the hard work you are doing for us.
I liked the feature. I liked it a lot. Those who had privacy concerns could easily disable it, something you could mention in the announcement at the top of each page.
Hmm, too bad it’s not a feature that each user could enable/disable as they chose.
I don’t know how many of the 6000+ members actually post frequently, but I had assumed that large numbers of people all trying to post at once was one reason for the previous board crashes. Listing 20 posters doesn’t appear to be much of a problem, but listing 100 or 150 certainly could be. And I didn’t notice if they were listed in any particular order - trying to locate one name out of, say, 75 listed might not be worth the trouble.
Maybe something the new techs could consider for the future? (I just know those folks love us for these ideas ;)) A ‘currently posting’ or ‘currently visiting’ list that could be accessed by the individual poster by clicking on it? Although there would still be people who didn’t want to be listed, but keep their e-mail addy public for private conversations. Hmmm . . .
It was. Whether or not you wanted privacy protections was an option in your profile.
Sorry, Drain, I didn’t mean being listed - I meant having the list available at the bottom of the page. I was suggesting having the list available on a separate page where you could access it if you wanted to.
But, if you choose the privacy mode, you also won’t have your email addy available on your posts, and some people want to keep that option without being on the ‘current’ list.
That was a cool feature.
Anyone who did not want to be listed could disable it.
Thanks for complaining and having a cool feature taken away that you easily could have disabled had you not been so wrapped up in complaining about it you didn’t know that.
Your ignorance allowed this to happen. You might wish to look at the motto of the board next time becfore you complain and react to something without knowing all of the facts. We are suppoosed to not like ignorance here, I thought.
This is for you:
[Image removed by TubaDiva. Do not make these kinds of getures in this forum, this is not the Pit.]
Yer pal,
Two weeks, six days, 17 hours, 35 minutes and 30 seconds.
829 cigarettes not smoked, saving $103.66.
Life saved: 2 days, 21 hours, 5 minutes.
I see what coosa was saying: The privacy option unalateraly(sp) disabled email, AIM ID and ICQ displays, as well as removing one from the logged list.
I’m assuming that it would have been to much of a pain in the ass to allow each one of those individual options to be turned on or off.
A possible solution could have been to display your email in your sig, but that would have been cluttered looking, I think.
I tend to agree with Satan (although I would not word my reply quite so strongly). (I love your new emoticons, I just would not use them.)
I like seeing who’s on. The only thing I noticed was if I login and don’t logout, it looks like I’m still there.
I would like to see the privacy mode options split out.
If you want to lurk unseen, you don’t have to login.
I really liked the “who’s here” option too. Made it a whole lot easier to plan debate schedules. I mean, there’s nothing worse than getting into a discussion with someone, then having to keep checking to see if they’ve posted. With the feature, you KNEW if they were around so you could go on with your life.
Sheesh. Now I gotta sit here and let the cat starve again while I wait for posts.
Shoot the darn thing got disabled before I even got to see it.
Hmm… I was considering adding this feature to the 3FMB, I’ll have to see now.
The hack I was going to install does offer the ability to turn off showing up in the list, without effecting your other settings…