MacAfee Online can kiss my ass!

Okay, this is my first pit rant, so go easy on me:

Dear MacAfee Online:

You provide the worst, most useless, overpriced piece of crap available in cyberspace. Your online service does absolutely nothing, your online tech supports have the computer skills of an illiterate old lady on crack, and you dare to charge $39 USD per incident for decent phone support. Why don’t you hire people who actually know more about computers than I do? Why don’t you give me a 1-800 number to call for real support? Why, why, why?

On top of this, you have the tenacity to have pop-up ads for your own products within your update system. Look, asshat, I already bought the product! I already know it sucks! You got me!

And today, when I finally found a number to call, the lady there had no record of me in your system. Plus, she wasn’t actually a support person at all. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t actually know what company she worked for at all. Her suggestion? “Try repurchasing the product”. Sure, so you can throw me on the ground and fuck me up the ass all over again?! I think not.

In short: MacAfee, bite me!

I feel your pain. I also have McAfee subscription, which not only prompts me to update several times a week, which I find annoying, but it will keep prompting you like a persistent child at the most inopportune times. No, I don’t want to have to re-boot my computer in the middle of the day. So quit pestering me.

It also now sends me e-mails trying to get me to upgrade (and pay another $30) for their “Privacy Service.” Trouble is, none of their literature explains exactly what their “privacy service” is. Just that I really, really, really need it. Then we have the “Spam Killer”… for more $$$.

McAfee. Hear this: Leave us alone.

Once my subscription expires, I’m going to Norton.

McAfee has earned my eternal enmity for the pop-up window that contains a full-sized image of a window - all the way up to the minimize-restore-close icons in the upper right. If you’re going quickly and click on the wrong X, you’ve just followed their ad, not closed the popup.

It’s things like that crap that make me sympathise with the virus writers. Not much, don’t get me wrong, but maybe they ARE noble freedom fighters after all…

I see what you’re saying Ino, but if the freedom fighters stopped creating viruses maybe the evil McAfee would go out of business? Here’s hoping! :wink:

Anyway, I would second the suggestion of switching to Norton. I use Norton and have no complaints whatsoever.

Racer1, you’re in trouble now :wink:

Shhh, Francesca, lno may not have noticed! :wink:

lno, I’m very sorry!

Is my clinical stupidity a good enough defence?

At least I wasn’t quoting! :smiley:

Heh after installing the last update the exe files are hosed and I have to reinstall it

I’d of stuck with norton if it wouldnt of conflicted with every program I installed

I’ve always wondered how MacAfee has managed to stay in business so long. As far as I can tell, their virus scanner doesn’t really do anything. It’s the computer programming equivalent of putting really big fins on your car. :slight_smile:

When I got a new computer, I bought MacAfee right away. When I installed it, a message came up telling me that the software I had purchased an hour before was out of date, and I had to go to the website to update the virus signatures. So I went to the website, and found that MacAfee no longer provides a free year of updates – instead I was supposed to pay something like $39 for a membership, in order to update the otherwise useless software I just bought. I tossed it and got Norton, and have been pretty happy with it; came with a free period – I think it was a year – and then it’s $10 a year.

I can see paying $10 a year (after a year or so): it’s a resonable price to pay for the maintenance and updating the program will need, similar to paying for the upkeep on a car. But $40? You’re almost better off going out and buying entirely new software every year! Geeze! (Note: I haven’t bought anti virus software in ages, so I don’t know how much they’re charging anymore.)

(Side note: I use this as my anti virus software. No complaints so far.)

<< Where am I going? And why am I in this handbasket? >>

get a free virus checker it is called AVG and it works.

I use the same thing on both of my computers and it works like a charm.

I used McAfee VirusScan ever since I’ve had the internet because everyone in the world knew the login and password to their FTP. They finally caught on and took the licensed version of the software off that FTP and I was forced to buy it. I, like many people, was stupid enough to buy McAfee Online instead of VirusScan!

So this AVG works well?

I think I’ll give it a shot.

I think McAfee went straight down over the years. I had it for ages, (basically since they first came out) and swore by it and recommended it to friends. Then, since about 1995 and Win95, it seemed to just get worse and worse. It seemed to start stealing a lot of processor time, interfere with other programs, etc. After a few years of this my loyalty wore off, and I switched to Norton Antivirus, and haven’t had those type of problems since. My computer booted faster, and the upgrades were easier to install via the online upgrade process.

I would never buy McAfee again, or recommend it to anyone.