Mad Alaskan determined to destroy city

Good heavens.

Helluva home project. :eek:

Ah, the magic word nuclear rears it’s ulgy head and everyone freaks due to a fundamental misunderstanding of science. If it contains the word ‘nuclear’ it must be dangerous.


Er, rather, “we” [Alaskans] have never been worried about cyclotrons before. In fact, most of us thought they were the arch-enemies of the Go-Bots before someone latched onto the word ‘nuclear’ and freaked out.

I for one think we need to allow this! After all, if legalized abortion prevents unsafe back alley abortions, think what permitting this construction will do to end that ever-present threat of back alley cyclotrons!

Move along. Just a zoning issue. Nothing to see here.

Obligatory reference to 1920’s style death rays.

The problem here is that people think the home cyclotron enthusiast is strange. He needs to work on his charm.

There is truth and beauty in your words. You show a real top to bottom grasp of the issue.

Unbelievable. This guy really could be the next Einstein…

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Grand, full-service facility Adventurous angling, Alaskan-style

Now with giant mutant fish!

Yes, but what if this thing somehow interacts with the HAARP? They’re only a couple hundred miles apart you know.

DON’T CROSS THE BEAMS, or else all the tinfoilers on the 'net will come to roost in your ISP.

Or something.

This gives a whole new meaning to: “There goes the neighborhood!”

If we ban cyclotrons, why not the next logical step - ban home baesd magnetrons, too :wink:

If this guy’s so brilliant, why does he want to move a cyclotron from a techtonically stable area to the upper Pac Rim? (Earthquakes, volcanos, and tsunamis, oh my!)

Also, he probably needs to significantly upgrade the wiring in his new AK abode.

He will need to upgrade the wiring if he is to use the full 1.21 Gigawatts required by the device…

slaps Poly with a large trout

Bad pun! Bad!

Shouldn’t that be a large salmon ?

Wait, you mean we’re not allowed to have these things in our house?

Like those damn “nuclear families” I keep hearing about! I don’t want no mutant families livin’ in MY neighboorhood!

If this guy gets to build his cyclotron, he’s just going to start sneaking up behind people and diagnosing their cancer. We can’t have that!