Why the hell didn’t the passengers beat the shit out of these assholes? Because they said that they weren’t gong to do anything if their demands were? Uh, call me crazy, but somehow, I don’t think that if the hijackers were planning on flying the plane into a building they’d get up and say, “We’re going to hijack this place and fly it into the Vatican because we’re mad at the Pope! He thinks Islam is a violent religion, well, we’ll show him that it’s not!”
Your link says they were not aware it was a hijacking. I’m a little confused: the hijackers are said to be unarmed, so how did they take over the plane/make the pilots change course? There were only two of them. I’m actually glad the passengers didn’t do anything that could have made this worse, and that the fighter jets took care of things. But I’d like to know more about what went on up there.
And obviously, these hijacker guys are assholes, and not just because they’re misguided religious dopes wearing tracksuits.
Yeah, I’m not the bravest person in the world … HOWEVER, if I were in similar circumstances, I’d at least be yelling “hey remember Tuesday Sept 11, 2001 ??? How do we KNOW these guys aren’t going to do the same damned thing ???”
If nothing else, I thought people would have learned that by now.
Call me narrow-minded, bigoted, anti-Islamic, whatever - but the thought of people intentionally flying planes into buildings has certainly changed my view of the world. :mad:
That’d make sense, although if that’s the case, it’s surprising that nobody has come out and said he made a bomb threat. Apparently the one hijacker (Hakan Ekinci) said there were two people, and is seeking political asylum in addition to wanting to deliver a message to the Pope.
I’m not sure I buy that, I mean at some point somebody had to turn to the person next to them and say, “Akmed, I don’t think we’re in Turkey in any more.” Not to mention the sudden appearance of Greek and Italian fighter jets off the wings. I can’t imagine Turkey would sit idly by if a couple of Greek fighters showed up in their airspace, ya know? (What with that whole nastiness over Cyprus and all.)