MAD magazine CD-Rom? Anyone, anyone?

Five or six years ago MAD magazine came out with a CD-Rom containing every single issue including all of the Al Jaffee’s Fold-Ins. Is this item now out of print? Do I have to subject myself to the horros of E-Bay?


Yes, it’s out of print and the best place to find them is eBay. That’s where I got mine.

BTW: there are seven articles missing out of the 45-year collection, the editors were presumably unable to obtain the necessary permission to reuse the features.

I own this, and though not entirely complete (There are few articles from some of the earlier issues missing) it is truly a fine collection and one of the coolest things I own. Not a week has gone buy since I bought it around three or four years ago that I haven’t pulled out one of the discs to go perusing for favorite articles, or just to read old issues. In all the time I’ve had it and as much as I’ve used it, I still haven’t looked at everything in the collection.

It’s been out of print for a long while now, but good luck finding a copy on E-Bay or elsewhere. It’s mucho worth it!

I saw it on ebay before about $35…

I like the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers

I totally wanted to buy this when it first came out. I just couldn’t think of a good reason. I wish I had listened to my heart instead of my head.

I’ve got it. Contains all the Spiro Agnew jokes you could ever possibly want.

He must work there or something.

I really, really wanted this when it came out. What a treasure trove. The Mad Magazine CD-ROM caused probably the only single moment I’ve ever kinda wished I had a PC instead of a Mac – it was only available for Windows.

It is out of print. I have it and love it.

After looking at that link, I’m dying to see “Comic Strips They’d Really Like To Do”.

Click on the page numbers. :wink:

Since I grew up on Mad, and found it screamingly funny 35 years ago but haven’t read it since, I’d be very curious to see what my reaction would be. Anybody else in this situation–is the humor dated? Did you find your taste in humor had changed?

Handy, I don’t think the Fabulous Furry Freak Bros (Phineas, Free-Wheelin’ Frank, and…another guy) ever appeared in Mad.

Wow, that’s certainly a different brand of Mad than what I knew, despite the saving graces of various back-issues that I have come into contact with over the years. Nowadays it’s truly a rag and thusly hard to differentiate from Cracked and such.

I dare say that, based on my observations of the linked articles, it was on-par with today’s satrical NPR programs.

Well, some of the expressions and humor are outdated, at that; there was a somewhat different manner of speaking that is reflected in the text of the articles. I keep thinking there’s a big subtle joke under a few of the gags because I simply didn’t find a couple of them very funny, based on my current education and my current surroundings.

But, it’s more interesting to note the similarities that exist – and, there are many more than one might think, such and Jean Shepard’s extemporaneous observations on Society and the look at “Do -It -Yourself-ers”.

I got mine for $10 from a place in the mall that was clearing them out a few years ago and I do see copies around on occasion still. If your area has one of the marketpro computer flea markets near it I know some of the dealers there have had copies…

Mad Magazine jumped the shark after Gaines died and they decided to start accepted ads.

I bought it the week it came out. Not only does it contain the issues but it has the recordings from those flimsy 45rpms they used to include. Except now you can hear them as they were meant to be heard instead of your needle sliding across the surface!

Thank you!

Even the one that had the multiple endings!? Believe it or not, I sill remember most of the lyrics to that one, even though I probably haven’t heard it in, oh, 20 years.

It’s… a… great big beautiful,
wonderful incredible,
super-spectacular day!
And your heart is humming with good times coming,
And you’ve got a happy feeling things are going your way!
All the bells are ringing and a little bird’s singing,
As he sits on your window sill.
Singing yessire, I can surely see, it’ll plainly be, most definitely,
a super-spectacular day!

And then the record would switch to a handful of random verses about these awful things happening as it turns out to be not such a super spectacular day, afterall. Unfortunately, I don’t remember any of the random endings. One of them was about being kidnapped by aliens, with the line “it talks like a frog and throws up on your dog”, sticking in my head, but that’s all I recall.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve got the tune stuck in my head. Nobody to blame but myself. And the usual gang of idiots, of course.