Mad-Men: 5.13 "Phantom" (open spoilers)

So to speak.

Because the money was not owed to her right away and it is the equivalent of over $330,000 today. It is fine that they probably wouldn’t wait, the question is why did Don decide not to take it to the Board.

I think that was a pun the first time around.

I guess so but he made that decision after they got almost three times that amount from the life insurance policy so it seemed reasonable. I don’t think that there would be fallout assuming that they even noticed. Bert only noticed Lane’s original indiscretion by chance.

In theory, sure, the others partners could sue both Don and Joan for making this decision without their approval. They could argue that the company would have been better off using the $50,000 for other purposes and repaying it no sooner than required.

In practice, the company obviously had plenty of money even before they got the $175,000 insurance payment. None of the other partners are going to want to disrupt SCDP (which is obviously prospering and benefiting all of them) by picking a fight with Don over this. Especially since they would all likely agree that it was the right thing to do, and would just be peeved that he didn’t consult them first.

Assuming a 5% discount rate, no interest and no partial payments on Lane’s contribution (since they paid back $50,000 exactly), and 5 years remaining to pay it back in full, Don cost the company about $11,000 by paying it back early (this is what it would cost SCDP to borrow the $50,000 from a bank for 5 years at 5% interest). Equivalently, he gave Mrs. Pryce (what is her first name, anyway?) $11,000 more than he was obligated to.

And that was going to happen anyway.

Don said that, although they had six years, they unanimously agreed to pay it back immediately. I assumed everyone already knows they did it, there was just no need for a scene of the partners agreeing to it nor for everyone to visit Widow Pryce.

Yes. It’s something that Joan would have brought up in a partner’s meeting.

He specifically told Joan not to mention it to the other partners.

I don’t remember that. I’ll have to wait for it to hit the On Demand.

It’s still on my DVR.

Don: How much did he put in for collateral after Lucky Strike left?

Joan: Fifty Thousand Dollars.

Don: We should pay that back.

Joan: Shouldn’t we have a vote?

Don: No. Cut a check to his wife.

He did make a unilateral decision but didn’t tell Joan to keep it a secret.

I haven’t seen this addressed: wasn’t it Megan’s actress girlfriend who asked Megan to intercede with Don to get her [the gf] an audition for the Beauty and the Beast commercial? The next thing we know, Megan was asking for the audition for herself. Had Megan not thought of doing this until the gf suggested it? It seems like something was left out here. I’m guessing when the gf sees the commercial, she will never speak to Megan again.

Nothing was left out. She agreed ti ask in behalf if her friend but instead asked for herself.

Yes, and not only that, Megan wasn’t even aware of it until her friend told her about it.

I don’t understand, are you saying the waitstaff actually lectured your father on which fork to use, or he wandered into some kind of lecture on the history of serving utensils.

I don’t think the blonde woman is that close a friend of Megan’s, just someone she met recently in acting class.

No, he didn’t, says the guy who watched the show at 3 this morning while doing his hour on the treadmill. Joan told him about the check; he told her to cut a check to Miss Honey; she asked if the partners didn’t need to vote on it first; he said no. Asserting the power to make the decision unilaterally is not the same as saying “don’t tell our partners about this.”

Anyone else wish Don had just looked at Mrs. Pryce and said “Give me some sugar, Baby.”

It’s probably a moot point anyway. Next season will likely pick up after nine or so months of Mad Men chronology so any comments or disputes about the check will be old news around SCDP.

This is the wrong thread, but they had classes on how to properly use all the silverware (because at the time dinners were very formal on cruise ships.) Dad was meeting us in the Explorer’s Lounge or what have you and he was half an hour early and one happened around him, so now if you don’t look out he’ll explain what fork you’re supposed to use.

This is certainly correct. And it’s a necessity if Sally remains a major character in the next season (likely) and if the same little girl keeps portraying her (virtually certain if (a) happens).