Madame Tussauds badly designed wax figure of Nicki Minaj.

People behave badly. I have photos of me at the LA museum dancing with Beyonce and squeezing Halle Berry boobs.

and I’m a mature, well-mannered adult. They really should have seen it coming.

Vegas Tussaud’s must have really tamed things down if this qualifies as scandalous. When I was there years ago, you could have your picture taken while grabbing Jennifer Lopez’s ass. There was a sign encouraging this. (I think I still have that picture somewhere :slight_smile: )

This pretty well sums it up. The woman’s career revolves around her ass, much like the moon revolves around the, er never mind. Anyway, yes, the people at Mdme T’s should have know better and made the figure out of reach of the unwashed masses, if only because of the delicate nature of it. I have no problem with people taking fun pictures with public art that is strong enough to withstand it. Some of those pictures in **ace’s **link are hilarious. Anyone who would dare to deface any art, however, can rot in hell.

I find your outrage about the uproar about the Nicky Minaj figure to be - hang on a sec - ::spins pointer:: circuitous? (How the hell did “circuitous” get on the board?) ::thinks fast::

The uproar is clearly focused on the museum staff choosing edginess over family values, a demeaning portrayal of woman over sisterhood and corporate profits above all else. To characterize the uproar as outrageous is, at the very least, to remove yourself one degree from the actual issue and is thereby … somewhat … round-about …

Wait a minute…

Nikki Minaj has dignity? Apparently you didn’t see her on “American Idol”…

I find your comments to be --hang on a sec – ::hmm:: – incomprehensible.
“choosing edginess over family values”???

Taking an iconic pose and rendering it in 3 dimensional wax is the default position for a wax museum. It’s a no-brainer. It’s standard operating procedure.
I know the controversy. I’m not ignoring it. But I think the people taking the “she’s being abused and oppressed and treated badly” road are removed from reality.

If I’m ever immortalized in wax I hereby authorize every and any member of the public of the female persuasion, to pose molesting or being molested by my effigy for selfie purposes. Because heck why not.

The problem is that you’re likely to either get a.) members of the male persuasion molesting you or being molested by you or b.) totally non-sexual but embarrassing things done to your image.

So be it. Means I’m the famous celebrity, right?

I’m pretty sure they knew exactly what they were doing. When is the last time Madame Tussauds has been this active on social media? I just didn’t realize it was in Vegas. I was just in Vegas last weekend and walked right past this place. My son and I considered for a moment going in… I bet if we knew at the time that this was the place people were talking about we would have paid whatever the admission fee was just to say we saw it.

Sometimes doing something that people think is really stupid… and then having to do “damage control” can be anything other than stupid if it gets enough attention.

I remain unconvinced that it was deliberately done. That they generated a buzz in social media is certainly a result, but that doesn’t mean it was engineered or even foreseen.


We’ll just have to respectfully agree to disagree.

I just find it hard to believe that a multi-million dollar business that is well aware that people love to take pictures of their displays in compromising positions wouldn’t be aware that a scantily clad woman in a “doggy style” pose wouldn’t get any of that type of “exposure.” I’m just guessing, but I doubt that any celebrity pose doesn’t just get determined by one person, and I bet at least one of the people who does decide was aware of the pictures people like to take… especially in Vegas.

Indeed. And as a wax figure it shares the “badly-designed” title with all of the rest of wax figures, ever. The most pathetic excuse for a tourist attraction, and usually I need to be told who it’s supposed to represent, unless the clothes give it away.

Also, if they didn’t see this coming they weren’t in the warehouse before it was shipped, because I assume every guy down there had his picture taken in that pose.

Nicki Minaj is a poorly designed wax figure.

I’m not a fan of Ms. Minaj, and lacking a label, I wouldn’t have known that figure was supposed to be of her. In fact, when I clicked it, I kind of expected her to have blond hair, and be seated at the AI judges table with one of those red Coca Cola glasses in front of her.

Because when I knock on her front door and ask her to pose like this for me, she calls security.
