
This might belong in another forum, but this campaign has been so pointless and mundane - and thank whatever god(s) there might be that it’s over - that I thought I’d post it here and let the mods do what they will with it.

It appears to me that no matter who wins the FL re-count, the office of the Prez will be a weak one. Unless something extraordinary happens, neither will have a mandate other than to leave well enough alone. Get too ambitious, and it’s unemployment in 4 years, whaddya think?

On a semi-unrelated subject, if Bush takes the re-count, I wonder if the Dems are going to be hunting paybacks for Whitewater / Monica and the rest of that over-blown and expensive pile of offal that, I think, made this election go as it did. If so, I wonder what they’ll find and how many millions it’ll cost.


Hey, if we want mandates, Bill Clinton didn’t really have one either - he didn’t get 50%, he won on pluralities, not majorities. Whether Bush or Gore ends up in office, he’s the Man.

Hey, how’s the market for tech jobs in Toronto?

A “Mandate” is just an empty phrase the President uses to try to convince Congress that he is more popular, and therefore powerful then it is, so Congress should abandon its function as an equal branch of government and check and balance on the President’s power and just acquiesce to his wishes. “Don’t worry about the logic or propriety of my plans, just do as I say because I have a mandate!”