This might belong in another forum, but this campaign has been so pointless and mundane - and thank whatever god(s) there might be that it’s over - that I thought I’d post it here and let the mods do what they will with it.
It appears to me that no matter who wins the FL re-count, the office of the Prez will be a weak one. Unless something extraordinary happens, neither will have a mandate other than to leave well enough alone. Get too ambitious, and it’s unemployment in 4 years, whaddya think?
On a semi-unrelated subject, if Bush takes the re-count, I wonder if the Dems are going to be hunting paybacks for Whitewater / Monica and the rest of that over-blown and expensive pile of offal that, I think, made this election go as it did. If so, I wonder what they’ll find and how many millions it’ll cost.