Made payment to wrong credit card, can I prevent a late payment on my credit report?

Card A’s payment is due on the 7th. Card B’s payment is due on the 24th.

I made a payment on Card A on the 7th of the last month, then I messed up and made another payment on Card A on the 24th rather than Card B, so Card B charged me a late payment fee and interest. I found this out today when I was going to make the regular payment on Card A and saw nothing was due.

So yes, it’s my screw-up so I don’t have a problem with paying the fee and interest. I made a payment on Card B today. They applied it to the next payment due, the 24th of this month. Is this going to prevent a late credit report to the credit agencies since I made a payment within 30 days of when the last one was due, or am I still considered delinquent for last month?

only if its beyond 30 days late - so long as you make the 24th on time, you should be fine.

If this is the only time this has happened in recent history - you should be able to work it out with the CC company and get the fee returned as well - just call them - they aren’t (always) as evil as we think they are.

Your credit report will be fine.

As for the fee, call them. If you never have done so before, they will almost certainly waive it.

For the future you should set up an automatic payment of at least the minimum amount.