MAD's Al Feldstein has died

Story here. Al was MAD’s editor during it’s glory days.

That’s sad news. He made MAD into an institution.


Terrible, terrible news. Mr. Feldstein was one of the Comedy Saints, spreading the gospel far & wide. Rest in giggles, Al.

Damn. The Old Guard passes.

42 men stand silently on the squamish field, their heads bowed.

Wow. MAD was a subversive force that shaped a generation. Farewell Al.

Aye, MAD Magazine was pretty much the definition of “irreverent”.

So this is the guy responsible for corrupting me in my youth! Thanks Al . I couldn’t have gotten here (SDMB) without ya.

I wonder how he’ll be folded into his coffin.

RIP Al, you brought me years of enjoyment as a youth.

Technically speaking, 41 men and a Dummy (unless the Dummy got sent home early).

I didn’t appreciate it at the time — do we ever? — but a great deal of my outlook on life came from Bill, Al, and the Usual Gang of Idiots. Like Roald Dahl, they taught a generation that a) adults don’t really have the answers, and b) behind the seeming chaos of modern life lies . . . actual chaos. Gracias.

Shflopp! ::faints from shock::

The funeral will be presided over by Rabbi Melvin Kowznofski.

He will be buried at Axolotl Cemetery.

Remember to grab a Moxie and pour one out for Al.

Funeral arrangements by Veeblefetzer, Inc.

Poor Al has ecccchspired.

I’d like to think Heaven has just added to their Usual Gang of Idiots.

So, so fitting . . .

BTW, that’s a real thing, and I just found some the other day at a strip-mall shop called Rocket Fizz (a candy store, but its main stock-in-trade is every obscure kind of soda pop you never heard of, all in glass bottles). And I’ll try it tonight in Al’s honor.

Is this the thread about the late Al Feldstein?

  1. No, it’s a zombie thread from when he started editing MAD Magazine.

  2. No, this is the thread where we’re discussing if an airplane could take off from a treadmill.

  3. Yes it is, so why are we doing bad imitations of Al Jaffee jokes?

Save that for the Al Jaffee obituary thread.

Oh yes. MAD was instrumental in imparting a certain bent to my worldview that’s still in evidence, and I would not have it any other way.