Major cell service outage {2024-02-22}

No clue, but for every AT&T user in this area, I’m guessing there are 5 Verizon users.

Since this may be the start of the zombie apocalypse, if I may pass on a great comment I saw yesterday… any zombie movie will no longer seem realistic unless there are crowds of people running toward the zombies trying to get bitten because they think it’s a Liberal hoax.

Well, the ZA hasn’t made it to China yet. That’s what I glean from the fact my cell phone has service.

AT&T in the SFBA CA USA. All systems are a Go.

Tried to call out from southern Minnesota, got “no network connection, emergency calls only”. Text messages only get a “Sending” waiting notification.

No mobile service in Fort Worth, noticed it about 3:30amCT. Using AT&T and a Galaxy S20. No issues with AT&T fiber internet this morning so (for better or worse) I can still work today. The VOIP stuff is running just fine.

My Consumer Cellular uses AT&T cell service and it is out. Went out about 6AM. Almost 4 hours ago.

Little Rock area

ok this explains why I’m seeing a tons of staff (nationwide) doing test pings on our crisis response service at work. For a few minutes I thought we were having some black swan event. Glad to know it’s just, um… all of AT&T? That’s still not great.

Verified that my Boost Mobile is still working, when I remembered I have a landline I could use as a test call recipient. No reason to think DH has any problem with his phone (same carrier and model).

SE Michigan here-- we are on Cricket, which uses the AT&T network. Still down as of 11:15 EST.

First thing my son said this morning was ‘it’s a cyberattack!’

The CNN article that @Seanette shared upthread says:

There’s no indication that Thursday’s outage was the result of a cyberattack or other malicious activity, the industry source said.

…but who knows if AT&T would admit if it was. Not to suggest anything or start any untoward rumors, just sayin’.

Funny how, if it was the internet that was down I’d be a lot more ‘oh noes, the sky is falling’, but with the phone down yet internet just fine, my attitude is more 'eh, kinda nice not to have a ringing phone for awhile".

Chicagoland here. No cell or messaging service available, just the “SOS” flag.

Russian satellite. ElectroMagnetic Pulse.

Just sayin’…

[adjusts aluminum foil ball cap…]

Verizon, Finger Lakes area NY state. Just called my landline from my cell and it rang just fine.

Maybe we finally figured out what this switch does… :grinning:

Verizon, inside my warehouse in Boise ID 5 bars of LTE

A few years ago, I would have said the difference between ATT and VZW was the cell technology but I think they’ve sort of converged these days, haven’t they?

Or maybe AT&T should check their garage for any switches that got shut off:

If you didn’t say “The call is coming from inside the house!” I will be deeply disappointed.

Update: we’re just now back up in the SE Michigan area. Can call and text again.

I’m watching my mid day channel 7 news. The lead story is the widespread AT&T outage. I’m still out at almost noon.

Back up in Dallas. My wife’s phone was working fine, so I restarted mine, and it came back online with normal service.