Make Social Justice Great Again

Preamble: this thread isn’t directed at everyone who reads it. I trust the individuals of the Dope community to be by and large smart and honest enough to self-identify.

There’s the modern concept that the right invented of the Social Justice Warrior: a breed of ridiculous person who screams their head off over every perceived injustice and goes out of their way to take offense to the majority of everyday existence. Conservatives use it to piss on the concept of trying to create a fairer world where humans feel like they have human rights.

There’s been a lot of good work being done lately by a vast group of protestors and demonstrators doing things like going after police brutality at the risk of their own health and safety. It’s made me proud to be an American again, and prouder to say I’ve joined them in whatever limited ways I can.

But. Things have started to spin out of hand, and it really, really, really needs to stop. I know I’m going to get pegged as a concern troll for this – especially since straight white cisgendered males don’t get to have opinions on things anymore, which bullshit y’all can really also knock off, by the way – but I’m a BLM-marching, Planned Parenthood donating, pro-UHC-protesting, public-education-demonstrating-in-front-of-the-Supreme-Court speechmaking liberal fooldaddy. I’ve got enough Real Liberal cred to survive whatever attacks come my way. If your first instinct upon reading the first couple sentences of this paragraph was to get your hackles up and assume I was a Republican in disguise, it’s likely this rant is for you.

You’ve heard the phrase “tilting at windmills”? We are literally attacking statues. We’re changing the name of centuries-old institutions because they acknowledge the existence of a famous and respected son of the university’s area who happens to have been on the wrong side of history. (The Redskins need to change their name because it’s racist. Washington & Lee has the word “Lee” in it. If you don’t see the difference, you are a moron.)

We had “yell at Drew Brees” day where a football player got copious death threats because he failed to understand something. At least that ended once he literally broke down in tears explaining to his friends that he didn’t hate them. DeSean Jackson quoted Hitler, and people rightfully castigated him for that, but only for a few hours. It quickly morphed into yelling at various sports-related figures for NOT yelling at DeSean Jackson fast enough. (By the way, if there’s a list of unwritten Twitter rules, “don’t quote Hitler” isn’t on it, for the same reason that “no machetes” isn’t in the rules of chess. Don’t quote Hitler.)

When you guys do this shit, it makes us all look like idiots, and it validates the Republican idea of the SJW. It gives them a plethora of targets to point at and try to discredit the notion of social justice as a whole. Here is the point in easily digestible tweet format, brought to you by an Actual Black Person.

Also, this isn’t that thing where some people are offended that two problems exist at once. It’s not “how can you possibly focus on COVID when just as many people die of starvation?”. It’s “how can you possibly focus on attacking statues when statues don’t do anything and there are real problems, you ridiculous imbecile?”

Make Social Justice Great Again. Stop being idiots. Stop attacking statues. Stop wanking about changing names to disavow the existence of historical figures. Stop yelling at football players. Stop yelling at people who failed to yell at football players. Those things hurt no one. And for Christ’s sake stop robbing Target. Your hearts are in the right place (well, except the looters), but focus that energy on things that actually matter. The protests against police brutality and institutional racism have been some of the most fantastic human endeavors it has been my privilege to see. The stupid SJW shit is stupid. Stop doing it. Thanks for reading.

Yes, stop attacking statues that were erected solely to make it clear that the erectors did not think you were human beings worthy of basic rights and if given the chance to ‘rise again’ they would put you back in real chains.

Yeah, this is about what I expected.

I’m not saying Confederate statues are good things to have. I’m saying that they aren’t actively hurting anything and your energy is better spent on the myriad actual problems that exist, which, like police brutality, could actually be aided by a massive outpour of effort from the caring plurality. Worrying about statues is virtue-signaling. It’s like freaking out over “In God We Trust” on money. Yeah, it shouldn’t be there, but Christ A, there are people dying. Priorities, people.

The seats at the back of the bus are no worse than the seats up front.


I can only infer that you’re implying that by asking that we focus on human rights abuses rather than literal inanimate objects, I am advocating some kind of Jim-Crow-law society. I cannot for the life of me imagine how you could read the OP and decide that I’m a racist, but you do you.

"Look, you’ve got you own water fountains! Stop complaining!’

You are a moron.

What? You don’t think there are more important things to deal with than who gets to sit at what lunch-counter?

You are a moron. I do not advocate Jim Crow policies and nothing I’ve posted even remotely indicates that I do. Please make something resembling a logical response to my posts, or fuck off. Thank you.

Roland_Orzabal, I think you severely underestimate what those statues signify. Jeffrey Robinson of the ACLU explains it quite well. Well worth a listen.

Also, this is bullshit:

Yeah, I completely agree. That was kind of the point.

Except these statues are a product of Jim crow policies. Giant, government sanctioned “fuck you, don’t forget we hate you” memorials.

No, I’m sure you don’t. I’m not sure if you understand what it’s like to live in a country where you are told that the constant reminders of your former second class status aren’t worth the trouble to deal with.
If no one supports the ideals that saw those statues erected then why is there an objection to their removal?

THE FUCKING STATUES ARE BAD. But people are fucking dying. People are fucking dying. This is not “focus on my pet issue instead of yours.” This is “focus on the people who are fucking dying and help make them not die.” The statues are bad. I get that. But priorities are real and inanimate fucking objects are not on them in this stupid-ass Trump-driven pandemic-having world we live in. That’s my entire point.

The statues are far easier to tear down than systemic racist brutality. And after they are down, hopefully the next generation won’t be influenced by them. Leaving them up is to ignore the low hanging fruit that can pay huge dividends down the road.

I trust it’s clear that I was not agreeing with Roland…

I go to civil rights rallies
And I put down the old D.A.R.
I love Harry and Sidney and Sammy
I hope every colored boy becomes a star
But don’t talk about revolution
That’s going a little bit too far
So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal


I refer you again to this. I am not advocating for the preservation of racist symbology. For fuck’s sake, I would really hope that a non-disingenuous reading of the OP would make that clear. Let me say it again for the cheap seats, though: THE STATUES ARE BAD AND IN AN IDEAL WORLD THEY WOULD GO AWAY. But I again refer you to this as a summary of my basic point here.

I’m not a fucking racist. And yeah, needscoffee, it was clear you weren’t agreeing with me. I’m not an idiot, either. As the dearly departed Jodi once told me when I apologized for being snarky at her, snark is the coin of the realm in the Pit. I was making a joke based on your phrasing.

The fact that the immediate response to this was for people to jump down my throat about some kind of Jim Crow bullshit is a testament to the point I’m making. Stop cannibalizing your friends. Assuming that people who disagree with a point you believe in are secretly evil racist conservative trolls in disguise is distasteful and counterproductive. Stop it.

You’re an idiot Roland /thread/

You really need to go back, read those posts, and think about the point I was making.