Make sure the Biden Town Hall gets better ratings than Trump's

One of Mr Trump’s sore spots is his “ratings.” Since he’s announced his competing Town Hall to Biden’s (which used to be the debate before Mr T refused to participate), we have to make sure that the Biden event has WAY more viewers. It can be our own K-Pop TikTok protest. All three of my TVs will be on ABC.
[Mods: I hope this doesn’t run afoul of the rules. I will be happy to move it if directed. Thanks.]

Eh, I don’t plan to watch either. I’d love to needle Trump with Biden getting higher ratings, but more people may watch Trump’s just for the car-wreck quality. Can’t help but gawk at an accident, can we?

I admit to being somewhat morbidly fascinated as to how this town-hall is going to possibly work with Trump. Biden has always been cited as a good retail politician for whom a town-hall format is a natural. In my dreams, I’d love for Trump to try to browbeat some allegedly undecided voter in the same way that he tried to do to Biden and Chris Wallace during the first debate. More evidence of what sort of person he really is wouldn’t be a bad thing.

You do understand that TV ratings don’t work that way, correct?

I get my TV through the air via a rabbit ear antenna that’s on the floor. I’ve always heard about those neilson boxes, but never actually knew anyone that had one. If I’m tuned in to the Biden show, will anybody but me know?

I agree with the above two Dopers. Neilsen has no way of knowing what I’m watching on my beloved boob tube.

I admit to incomplete knowledge. I know that the official ratings are generated by Nielsen.
But I’m certain that the satellite and cable providers all know exactly what their customers are watching. Whether these statistics will be reported, I don’t know. Dang, it’s sort of like the electoral college vs the popular vote all over again.

There’s a ball game that night, right?

Yes, they are, and unless you’re a “Nielsen Family,” what you watch won’t be incorporated into those ratings.

If you have a tuner / cable box, it’s likely that your cable company has data on what you watch, and when. But, AFAIK (and I work in advertising and research), that data from the cable providers isn’t used in the ratings.

Naw, I can just read the react on Twitter from those paid to watch Trump. No need to watch myself.

Yes, I came here to ask: If I use my one spectrum connection to have multiple devices streaming ABC via various ways (their YouTube channel, FB etc), will these streams count as separate streams?

(I don’t have ‘TV’ or cable, so don’t care about ‘ABC the channel’. But all streaming gets measured, so who cares about Nielsen?)

I know what both of them have to say, and I’ve already voted, so I really don’t feel like listening to both of them repeat what they’ve been saying all along. Also, what I view is not counted as part of any ratings data collection.

If Biden gets better ratings, Trump will just rationalize that Neilsen is in the tank for Biden. The collective voices of the entire nation could chant “loser” and Trump would hear something else.

I have an antenna. The signals are generally poor. But, I’m generally broke and can’t afford cable or streaming services. So nobody knows what I’m watching. Plus, due to interference from New Jersey channel 5, I don’t get 6- the ABC station.

Praise the Lord for Comet!

I won’t be watching either because I’ve donated to the Hamilton original cast fundraiser for Biden, so I’ll be watching a Q&A with the cast plus a special performance of the play. I get to support the better candidate and get terrific entertainment. I’m pretty psyched.

According to Newsweek, Biden won the ratings war, at least on YouTube:

NBC News YouTube channel showed 153,660 viewers were watching. ABC News’s YouTube channel showed 507,445 viewers at the end of Biden’s town hall.

A bit surprising, because I would have thought a lot more people would have watched the trump Town Hall just to see the train wreck that it inevitably became.


Biden wins the Nielsens too. And Loser Donald loses.

Those are surprising ratings results to me, in a good way. Perhaps the nation has tired of train wreck TV. That’s bad news for Donald with an election in 18 days.

Cue Donny’s twitter rage about the rigged ratings in 3,2,1…

“Fake News! Rigged!”