(Sorry this is long)
These habits start out good but always goes into the trash can too fast
Why cant I get it together??
Any tips on commitment?
Maybe small baby steps are the way but once falling off the wagon, its hard to get back up on it.
I’ve lost my direction the past few weeks, hell, probably a month. The weather definitely affects this activity a lot and we’ve had some horrible humid days which includes mornings when I like to walk.
Plus being older its harder to lose the weight. Diabetic too!
A few months back after coming home from the doctors, I lost 10-12 pounds in the first several weeks.
I need to lose like 100 pounds or at least 50. I know its going to take time but I’d like to keep going no matter how the pounds come off.
I have too many excuses, I like sweets. I can avoid the candy aisle at the store but its hard not to bake something at home. (Plus the candy in checking out at the grocery)
The husband works hard so he can work off all the sweets he wants me bake things for him. Lots of it I can put in the freezer and that is easier to resist.
I try hard to go without sugary things but chocolate cravings drive me nuts
And no, I cant just dabble a bit and go on. Its gotta be cold turkey but chocolate does get me moving!
I have trouble with portion size too. If something tastes good I want more!
And lastly I get very bored easily when I try to eat more healthy. I like salads I like fruits but I only get so far during the week. Fresh foods go bad because of the bore of it all.
Please help!