Making sound file on iMac

I’m trying to record a speech sample on my iMac to E-mail to someone, but I can’t figure out if there is any way to do it. The only thing I have found so far is how to make a five-second “alert” sound. But I need to read a rather lengthy passage. Anyone know how I can do this?

Are you using OS9 or OSX?

In OSX you can just use iMovie. Open it up and select the Audio “Tab” (the one you use to add music to a movie) and there should be an option att he bottom to record your own sound. It’ll record the sound, convert it to MP3 and drop it into your iTunes Library.

OS9 is a little trickier as there’s no bundled software that I know of that you can use. I did a quick dig around Versiontracker and found a beta program called vMemo. It’s got a registration nag when you run it but it seems to work pretty well. It records the files in AIFF format and drops into System Folder > Preferences > vMemo.

Hope this helps.

Don’t you have any regular audio digitizer sw? I use mine more often than I use a word processor. How do you convert your cassette tapes and vinyl albums and whatnot to MP3?

Audion is a good intermediate choice for both X and 9. If you want to go upscale, probably Deck.

Me, I’m an old fogey so I still use SoundEdit 16 (obsolete).

OS 9.

Thanks. I’ll check it out.

Er … . I don’t. I don’t listen to MP3s. I play my music on my turntable, cassette players, and c.d. players.

If that makes you an old fogey, then what am I?