Malcolm X on white liberals

Someone used a rhetorical flourish to make his point? 55 years ago? OK I’ll put it on the docket.

Wait, he was black???..Uh oh. That is front burner now.

Rhetoric while black?

This statement represents a level of denialism that I just can’t wrap my head around. Sure, we can disagree about the comparative extent to which persistent systemic anti-black racism and other factors are contributing to problems faced by black people.

But to just flatly assert that society is not in fact “treating them like crap”, i.e., that systemic anti-black racism is simply no longer a factor in this situation? What alternate timeline are you living in where that’s even remotely true?

Over the period that out of wedlock births have been going down, hasn’t society’s treatment of black people been getting better?

What is the evidence that all racists are Republican? The last time the GSS asked about inter racial marriage, 2002, more Democrats than Republicans were against it. 11.9% to 11.5%. In 2008 the GSS had white Republicans more willing to vote for a black candidate for president 94.4% to 93%.
In the 2008 American National Election Study 34% of Democrat respondents said blacks were lazy, and 21% said they were unintelligent.

There are some awfully broad brushes being used in this thread.

When do you believe American society stopped “treating them like crap”? What was the cutoff, in your opinion?


That was hyperbole, but there’s plenty of evidence that more Republicans are racist than Democrats – in 2018, 28 percent of Republicans vs 12 percent of Democrats said that interracial marriage was morally wrong. So more than twice as many Republicans think interracial marriage is wrong compared to Democrats. Further: “half of Democrats and independents who lean Democratic said they felt the increasing number of interracial marriages was good for society. Just 28 percent of Republicans and right-leaning independents said the same.”


This is behind a paywall, but here are some snippets:

"The GSS asks whether African Americans are worse off economically “because most just don’t have the motivation or will power to pull themselves up out of poverty?”

A majority — 55 percent — of white Republicans agreed with this statement, compared to 26 percent of white Democrats. That’s the biggest gap since the question was first asked in 1977 — though the gap was similar (60-32) in 2010."

“42 percent of white Republicans rated African Americans as being lazier than whites, versus 24 percent of white Democrats. That 18-point gap is the second-biggest on record, behind 2010 (19 points).”

“As with the previous question, the survey didn’t ask people to compare blacks and whites directly, but rather to rate each race separately. In this case, 26 percent of white Republicans rated African Americans as less intelligent, compared to 18 percent of white Democrats. That eight-point gap is slightly bigger than in 2010 (seven points) and 2004 (six points).”

Not only is there plenty of evidence that more Republicans are racist than Democrats, there’s actually evidence that Republicans are more racist now than in the recent past.

I’m of the opinion that he was a conservative person by nature. Being black in the 60s meant he couldn’t behave the way a typical conservative member of the majority gets to behave. Had he been born white and a few decades later, he would probably have turned out like Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity.

Have you seen the news recently?

I’m of the opinion that he was a conservative person by nature. Being black in the 60s meant he couldn’t behave the way a typical conservative member of the majority gets to behave. Had he been born white and a few decades later, he would probably have turned out like Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity.

Are you trying to assert that republicans aren’t the party of white racists or are you just taking exception to me using the word “all” in a weak ass attempt to score a point?

If it’s the first then I would LOVE for you to expound on that. If it’s the later then you’re gonna have to miss me with that weak shit. Yes, I am painting with a wide brush and I don’t care how you feel about that. Others might be willing to entertain the pedantry and debate shit that’s obvious but I have lost all patience with people who continually get stuck on unimportant details that are irrelevant to the larger point.

And just so I am clear, everything in your response is irrelevant to the larger point.

We’ve given them second-class citizenship. What more do they want?

My point is that I find conservatives are less racist than liberals.

I agree and hate that our churches are so divided.

In defense, I find the more liberal the church, the whiter it is.

Whereas I’ve seen conservative churches very mixed white, black, hispanic (translators available), asians, and even a few bikers. suits, and hipsters in green hair. You dont see that in liberal churches.

Did you even look at any of my videos? Thing is blacks are taught to act and behave certain ways by their white liberal overlords but many blacks still think for themselves.

The data (like that presented in post 48) shows that you’re wrong about this. So does history - liberals fought to free the slaves; liberals fought segregation; liberals fought for civil rights. Conservatives fought to conserve their traditions - traditions like slavery, segregation, and discrimination.

Sure problems exist.

Ths is an example of how white liberals will solve it. its an article called “75 Things White People can do for Racial Justice”. THIS is the liberal mindset. Read a book, watch a video, and give some money. But DONT, I repeat DONT send your own kids to their schools.

No, John Brown, who died trying to lead a slave rebellion, was NOT liberal about anything. Lincoln and the republicans ended slavery.

Sure liberals were against segregation. It meant blacks running their own schools and thinking for themselves. But their option was to tell black parents their kids could not learn unless they were sitting next to a white kid. Notice how our schools are more segregated than ever before and many blacks TODAY actually prefer their own all-black schools.

If we are going back in history and using broad brush strokes, ‘liberals’ kept the US military segregated during both World Wars and interned thousands of Japanese Americans. Wasnt that Lincoln guy a Rep too?


Worst thing about those white liberal churches? They’re full of atheists.

CMC fnord!