Man rescues child in Paris

This article tells how an illegal immigrant to France is now offered French citizenship for the rescue of a child in Paris.

The kid is dangling from an apartment balcony four stories up. The Immigrant from Mali pulls himself up, floor by floor, and then yanks the kid to safety. He was invited to the Elysee Palace by the French president and told his paperwork will be hurried along. Also offered was a job with a French fire brigade.

One thing I don’t understand, there’s a guy on the balcony within reach of the toddler, who doesn’t seem able to do anything, or help. Was he paralyzed with fear or shock?

The father of the child faces charges of child neglect. He left the kid alone to go grocery shopping, and then got distracted playing Pokemon Go.

I looked for another thread about this, hope it’s not a duplicate.

The other guy is on the wrong side of a wall on the balcony. It looks to me like he’s leaning out and over and holding on to the kid, but has no leverage to do anything more. Arguably he could have gone over the rail and tried to get around the wall, but he would have had to let go of the kid to do so.

It occurs to me that the other guy might have seen Gassama’s rapid climb and thought holding on to the kid was the safest compromise for a short time.

Here’s an article that’s not behind a paywall.

Note also that the fire brigade had already been called and he had probably been told to stay put and wait.

That’s one hell of a way to get your immigration status fast tracked.

People in the U.S. have an irrational fear of immigrants; in France they’re super heroes!

Which raises a curious point. Superman would qualify as a Dreamer, wouldn’t he? Do you think the GOP would try to deport him, too?

GOP are pikers compared to Democrats when it comes to deportations.

“President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the “Deporter in Chief.”
Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who “self-deported” or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection” (CBP).

According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president’s administration in history.
In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

(Obama’s numbers don’t reflect his last year in office, for which data is not yet available.)

But but but, if Obama did it, it must be bad. It must be the worst thing ever. Trump and Trumpies should be all over themselves to not be deporting people, I’d think.

Superman has citizenship. In fact, back during the Silver Age, he had citizenship in every member nation of the U. N., allowing him to fly across international borders.

It appears very likely that the other guy would have rescued the child.
If you look at your link it appears that this guy on the other balcony was about to rescue the child right before the climber got there as the child works his/her was towards the man holding him/her.

Tell that to the kid dangling from the balcony. “Just hang in there, kid, we’ll have someone there in a half hour!”

He does look to be working the child closer to him. But it doesn’t make nearly as good a video as the guy scaling the balcony (nor was it as risky for the rescuer). Absolutely wonderful for the child to be recused in either case, but one video is bound to grab a lot more ratings/viewers/clicks than the other by being much more exciting.

You clearly don’t know much about France. People who are born in France, but have immigrant parents, still aren’t considered French.

If you watch the early parts of the climb closely, balcony-guy is absent (it only briefly flashes up to the top, since it’s focusing on the climber, but there’s clearly nobody but the kid there). He seems to get there when climbing-guy is about 20 seconds away. So, yeah, under the circs, holding on and letting the support which is clearly coming up actually get there, is a smart move.

Good work on everyone’s part

Er, the guy said,

That is, he couldn’t pull the kid up without letting go of his hand, so he waited for Mamoudou Gassama who was already scaling the building by the time he even got out to the balcony.

I see no reason to assume anything was staged.

Or…there are significant differences, which won’t be mentioned because they don’t support whatever argument people want to be making. You can be virtually certain in this age that when someone uses the “Obama did it, too” argument, that Obama didn’t do it, too.

Oh no, I didn’t at all intend to imply it was staged. I just meant that if neighbor had been able to pull up kid, it wouldn’t have gotten as much coverage/clicks/etc. because it’s far less dramatic and exciting. And even with news, sensationalism (hopefully real rather than faked, since it’s news) matters.

He says he was woken up by screaming outside, jammed on some trainers so he wouldn’t slip, and ran outside to help the kid.

ETA apologies, this is inaccurate.

He went outside to see what was going on, saw the kid, put on some shoes, then went back outside.

People born in France of foreign parents don’t always have French nationality, but if they do they’re considered French. They even get to be French being immigrant themselves, once they get the nationality. See: Nicolas Sarkozy, Anne Hidalgo, Manuel Valls, just to name three recent examples.