Mange II - the re-launch of the Snow Pea

-whoops… accidentally posted the below in the old thread first-

That is awesome.

It took me forever to figure out why you picked that name… but very clever.

That’s awfully kind of you, but do fish really take tea? I’ve heard they have hardly any manners at all.


I hear-by christen thee The Snow Pea. Og bless her and all who sail in her.


…swings a magnum of champagne…

Cheers. The buoyancy of the outrigger nacelle greatly surpassed my expectations - I thought it would ride much lower in the water, but the very flared V profile (in both axes) means that it only has to be pushed down about an inch or so and the displacment doubles - so it’s never going to do much more than skim along - which is not a bad thing at all.