Many worlds theory and time travel.

Okay if I understand many worlds theory of quantume mehcanics right, when ever a wave function collapses (a particle decides it’s value) a universe is created with each possible value for that particle. So there should be more realities in the future then in the past. correct?

Lets say I went back in time. Since the reality I’m on branched off an earlier reality that branched into many other realities similer enough to mine that time travel by me would happen in them also. Would 10^56 me’s show up at moment I traveled too? Or would we merge into an average of states of our particles?

They will simply extrapolate the polygamistic cosine function of the Legolas Principle. In which you’ll experience gastrointestinal disturbances ranging from a value of 3.58-9.28 ranging on the Ritcher scale. Through this understanding we can see that the universe parrallel universe influx would be of sufficient denomination as to completely encapsulate said individual.

Hope that helps.

That’s too long for a sig. Drat. Nice one, raizok.

Are you saying my question was based on peusoscience? Then what exactly is the many worlds theory of quantum mechanics?

Raizok…you write for Star Trek?

Of course not; his post was much too scientifically rigorous for Star Trek.

Not really an answer to your question, but I have a thought that it would be even more complicated than the problem you posed. Assume there is technology that allows time travel. Also, assume that every possible configuration of atoms that can possibly come about, does (this is an implication of Many Worlds theory, right?). In one universe technology would produce and activate the time machine Feb. 1, 2004 at exactly 6:30pm. In another it would happen at 6:30pm and .00000001 seconds. In another, 6:30pm and .00000002 seconds, etc. Let’s say all of the time machines are going back to Jan. 1, 1950. Not only would you have to deal with the loop of “yourselves” coming back from “similar worlds” corresponding to the first time machine, but also from every other possible instance (different completion date) of the time machine activating.

As to what would happen with respect to Q.M. and the wave function, I have no idea. I much prefer the Copenhagen Interpretation anyway. :smiley:

interesting, since each time travel event that was late would also include lots (lots as in 10[sup]xx[/sup]) of simaler ones with the only difference being stuff like the late version of the travel was from a reality where some electron in some galaxy billions of lights years away was in a slightly different state.

one traveler (if the particles states are not averaged out) could cause a massive black hole.

I meant one treveler as in person and their heaps of duplicates.

If anyone goes back in time, how are you gonna get back to “where” earth was back at that time?

Our galaxy is traveling very fast thru space. If you go back in time, you will be somewhere out in space, billions of miles away from where earth was back then.

Traveling thru time is the easy part - the hard part is trying to move yourself to where earth was back then.

If you go back in time, instead of a DeLorean, you need to be in a super fast space ship.

Paratime travel (travel across Worldlines) does not allow chrononautic excursions (travel to a prior Jorduhm point on a given Worldline). The temporal exclusionary principle applies in all cases.

This does not, of course, prevent a transtemporal slip to a Worldline which is arbitrarily congruent to a previous state in any given Worldline. This can be told from a chrononautic excursion upon return; if there is no historical evidence of an incursion then the traveller has not visited an earlier iteration of his Homeline. Applied chronodynamic theory proves that unrecorded or unwitnessed events cause collapse of synclastic waveforms into a standard infundibulum, thus maintaining the sum total of discrete events in the alternity.

More rigorous enforcement by the Patrol has prevented further anomolies such as the Mesozoic Collapse (when the Travel Cages of over forty-three billion potential sapient species potentialated on the same afternoon and crushed the dinosaurs) or the October 35th fiasco.

Even given all this, in at least one, though no more that 10^15 Worldlines in which a recognizable you exists contemporaneously, an attempted Jaunt will cause you to meet either one or all your dopples with access to the appropriate technology.

Hope this helps.


Inertia. It is extraordinarly difficult to build a cross- or pseudolinear temporal shunt which has a 3d impellor strong enough to escape the gravitational field of earth.

All I know is if you run 1.21 Gigawatts of power through a flux capaciter with a momentum of 88mph relative to your current temporal frame of reference (T[sub]0[/sub]), that will provide a variable temporal displacement (lets call this new temporal location T[sub]1[/sub]).

At the new temporal location, altering an event relative to your original temporal frame of reference will result in the creation of an alternate universe where future events are consistant with the new outcome of the event.

Research seems to indicate that there exists a “temporal intertia” where if one returns to ones original temporal location, relative to the altered timeline, there will be a similarity to the original timeframe. In other words, you will meet the same people you know, however they will relate to each other in a context that differs from how you knew them in the original timeline. (ie your barber will be your dentist or your wife will be married to your best friend, however they will all still live in your hometown).

The indications are that because of this “inertia” it is extremely difficult, but not impossible to alter significant historical events. (ie if you go back and save your girlfriend from being hit by a car, that mayl free her to be killed by a falling cinder block instead).

I don’t know. Worm holes maybe? Maybe a traveler does not want to visit the Earth in the past. It would be a great way to study anything that ever passed through this area. Not to mention retrieve samples.

I don’t think it really matters for my question though. So the traveler chocked to death in the vacuum of space, would there be one body that was an average, or a multitude of bodies?

So you’re reading Crichton’s “Timeline” too, huh?

It does matter, it matter a great deal, it matters more than anything else in regards to time travel, space is very barren and empty. Even if you were able to reach a planet in 1894, why would you even bother to get “samples”, samples for who?

The point is, if you dont return to earth, if you end up somewhere in Andromena, or nowhere, then “earth time” doesnt matter anyways. If you are going to be out in barren empty space, who cares if it is 2004 or 1894 on earth?

That would make sense, simply from the perspective that since the future hasn’t happened yet and is based on the limitless possible choices, actions, etc, there would be an infinite amount of future realities. I think the closer you get to each time, the fewer universes there are because you’ve eliminated those possibilities from forming already.

Sorry if that didn’t sound right…I can never find the right words whenever this topic comes around.

Samples for scientist to study of course. I think any planertary scientist would sell his/her right arm for a cheap way to retrieve samples, and send probes.

I think the answer is that scientist die of old age eventually, unless a method for FTL travel is discovered putting a Hubble in Arondomeda is impractical, A hubble placed in the Andromeda galaxy through time travel would be very fruitfull, and allow the scientist to get result millions of years sooner, The moment it was launched in fact. Now imagen one that could take differnt positons along a line through Andromeda, I would find it’s results very interesting.

Don’t worry about it. I was not sure how to word my post either. Langauge fails us all sometimes. I’m going to be late if I don’t leave soon. I’ll think about your post while I’m gone.

Not yet, when I get paid next week though.