March of The Penguins

I certainly don’t remember it being packaged as a pure documentary either.

Looking over what I wrote, I can certainly understand why it came across that way. I really meant it more with a friendly nudge to the ribcage. I’m sorry.

Well, I don’t know about “purely”, but that’s what it essentially was. Or at least, entertainment is how my wife and I took it. We know that penguins have no cerebral cortex, but analytic intelligence isn’t required for the primitive emotions that come from the amygdala. They suffer and fear in a real sense, just as much as you and I do. It’s just that they don’t associate it with metaphors. As humans, we can feel these things just by reading about them in a poem, or seeing them in a movie.

I agree with you there, which is why I defended DrLeth in her recent pitting. She had tried to explain that so-called atomic bombs operated at a nuclear level. She caught hell for it.

Um, no, but nature documentaries do.

You’ll be happy to know that my brother agrees with you 100%

(He’s on the AMPAS documentary committee, and voted against it being put on the Oscar ballot.)

This site says 17.

And New Zealand.

Which means they are found in the northern hemisphere (just barely).

Sorry, but bullshit. Every description of nature that isn’t a mathematical equation is a metaphor. Even physics. “When it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry.” — Niels Bohr.