March's Malevolent Maledictions (minirants)

It’s the ‘After Stop’ part of that last one that seems to be the most problematic.

Stupid damn body. With the nice weather I got an early start on my healthy summer, and walked several miles the last couple days. I backed it up with healthyish sensible appropriate meals.
And how does my body respond to these developments? By sending every maximum strength signal that I am starving. It feels like I have been wandering through the desert for 40 days. I am far more preoccupied with how hungry right now I am then times when I didn’t eat for 2 days. Every fiber of my being is telling me I need to go and buy a couple bags of candy or chips and inhale them. Ridiculous absurd crap.

We aren’t nearly as bad off as Das Glasperlenspiel, but we’ve been without hot water for the last two days, and this evening had to shell out $2500 for a new water heater.

Fever, chills, sweats, pains, severe fatigue. Yeah, this is a lot of fun. Got right past that flu shot.

Update on the well issue: Our front yard is a muddy morass of good topsoil, snow, ice, a several branches off the blue spruce and a few cedar logs. The wellhead was buried 8 feet underground. :smack: That has now been remedied and I get to create a cute little wishing well to mark its location (sarcasm. I hate cute little wishing wells). We have water flowing once again and the plumber is coming in next week to replace the pressure tank (which we knew we needed).

NOW my toilet is leaking - after TWO attempts at repair by a different plumber. Pray that the third time is the charm.

Anyone know any good arsonists?:smiley:

I haven’t seen a bill yet. I am pretty sure I don’t want to.

In October I slipped going down a tiny step and sprained my foot and ankle badly. Fortunately there were no broken bones. It was very painful at first but in the months since then it’s gotten just about all the way better.

Yesterday I slipped again on a (different) tiny step. Same foot, same ankle.

I am such a klutz. I can’t even blame anyone else.

A co-worker was going on and on about how shameful & horrible it is that President Obama is skipping Nancy Reagan’s funeral to go to “some druggie rock concert.” I explained to her that it is tradition that the current First Lady attends the funerals of all former First Ladies, and that the President typically forgoes the event.

Then, thanks to the glory of Facebook, I found a post stating who was and wasn’t in attendance for all funerals of former First Ladies, from 1982, onward (with the claim being true, that the Presidents were never in attendance - and 3 of the 4 funerals occurred when Republicans held office).

She claimed that might be true, but surely the other Presidents had more important matters than to go to a “druggie rock concert.” I showed her that SXSW was more than that.

Finally, she said that may be true, but Michelle Obama is going with her husband to the event, showing massive disrespect to Nancy. 5 seconds with Google quickly shut that down.

I think I’m really pitting myself for putting the effort into trying to debunk all of her claims. It doesn’t matter what I say or do, because no answer will ever be good enough. I expect the next criticism will be that Michelle didn’t spend enough time in front of the casket, or something else as petty as that.

Someone stole my gmail account! Well, one of my gmail accounts, anyway. I’d had it for about 5 years, only used it for registrations and so forth, not for personal email or anything. Anyway, the password has been changed, the secondary email has been changed and I’m completely locked out. I can go through recovery and answer all the questions correctly (I think), but not the secondary email. Sucks because a lot of site registration info was in that email.

Don’t you have to not feed the cats in order to make them hungry enough to chase mice?

Our rescued stray Rary (short for Temporary :cool:) will attack lizards and frogs that get into our patio and chase the occasional bug, but he rarely eats them. So the instinct to pounce is there, but not to hunt.

Ah yes, the inexorable signs of spring in central Ohio.

It is always heartwarming to spot the first vultures migrating back to their nesting grounds, enjoying a succulent carcass on the roadside.

Mrs. J. got to fend off the door-to-door Trumpkin* who was offering us a nice bumper sticker.

And as I headed home last night past the swamp, I could hear the chorus of spring peepers trying to get in some amphibian sex before the next cold snap.

Oh, and ants are once again invading our kitchen!

Seasons change and so did I
You need not wonder why

*kind of like the vulture, only feeding on the body politic.

Certain things should be givens. They do not need to said. Or so I thought.

I am perusing the craigslist for used cars and I am frankly worried about the intelligence of my part of California. I though that EVERYONE knew that before taking pictures of the vehicle you want to sell, you should ***take the trash out of, vacuum and wash it! ***

When the house down the street from me was first put on the market, the owners didn’t bother to clean their nasty-ass shower before putting pictures up on the website. Based on more recent pictures from the current listing, I think they ended up replacing the tiles.

Ah, so I got it from you! Bastard!

Hunting doesn’t always involve killing, nor killing eating. The cat in one of the factories where I’ve worked had kittens; she caught small animals without killing them and brought them to the kittens to play with (“oooh a new ball… bat hey! it squeals! It’s trying to run away! Catch it!”). At first it would be her who would end up killing the critters, later it was the kittens. They never ate the corpses: mommy’s milk and kibble were a lot better.

That’s part of the training.

Back when I was a teen and lived on a hobby farm, my barn cat would do the same.

One of my best memories was sitting on the fence just after dark, watching her kittens play in the pasture with a mouse. Mom came and sat on my lap to watch them. When it would get away from them or go too far, she’d hop down, retrieve it, drop it in front of them again and climb back up on my lap.

Pretty lame rant but… Hey Panera, if you’re going to offer kids meals, you might want to consider providing kid size utensils to eat them with. I had to try to feed mac and cheese to a toddler with a giant adult sized soup spoon, because they didn’t have anything smaller.

Finally starting to look for permanent full time work again. Arrrggghhh! Online applications suck!

I’ve had the same issue. I now ask for a stir-spoon. They have these long handled spoons for stirring up their fancy drinks which have a narrow bowl. Though they are only available for dining in.

Over the weekend there was a drunken butt-dialing incident at a party that resulted in Friend B overhearing some hurtful things that Friend R said about him and his family. For my part, I don’t remember the incident and don’t know what was overheard (I was drunk and distracted at the time) but there is an 8 minute call from my phone to Friend B’s phone so I know it happened.

I’m embarrassed and upset about the whole thing. I know that if Friend R found out that he had been overheard he would be appalled and really angry at himself, and very contrite and would honestly try to make amends, but Friend B said not to mention it to him. I know it means their friendship is over.

I know it’s not 100% my fault because Friend B could have closed the call at any time, but it makes me sad that this happened at all. I’m pitting this because I really want to mention it to Friend R that he was overheard by asking if he remembers what he said about Friend B that night, but it would be against the wishes of Friend B to tell him how I know. Although I didn’t hear what Friend R said, I was close enough that I could have.

Feeling kinda brokenhearted right now because I like them both very much.

I asked them if they had anything smaller, thinking they might have something like an iced tea spoon or even just a plastic teaspoon. But the guy said the only other thing they had was a plastic soup spoon, which was only slightly smaller than the metal one.