Mark Zuckerberg is a fucking sociopath - seriously, just delete that shit already!

If you have Facecrook, you’re a fucking stooge. Srsly!

I’m so fucking sick of this smug piece of shit showing up and just asserting his right to be a politically disruptive c*nt.

Are people so addicted to their own selfies that they can’t see how they’re being stripped of every ounce of their privacy, even if they barely use the damn site?

“We want to connect people!”

No, Mark, if Facebook had an app that stuffed a cotton swab in the user’s mouth and nabbed their DNA, you’d be all over that.

Please, folks, just delete that shit. Don’t look back. Go back to group email.

not that i care for facebook much myself but yeah good luck with that …

I think that Mark Zuckerberg is a brave hero who strives to provide a platform to deliver fake news and untruthful, provocative memes to the masses! Share this if you’re not some yellow bellied socialist commie coward. DO IT FOR OUR TROOPS!!

asahi goes into a rage about bad people. Must be a day ending in y.

Do we, in fact, already have rules that political ads can’t lie? No. So what is he doing differently? Nothing.

I think Facebook is great! Can post funny pictures, memes, and news to friends and family scattered around the world.

I think Zuck should tell everyone government to go fuck themselves, he’ll put whatever he wants on his platform.

What stops misleading ads in other media?

Why would that matter? The point is that, since 2016, Facebook has been trying to push this idea of fighting misinformation on their platform. But now they’re making excuses for political ads. Zuckerberg is trying to argue that it harms freedom of speech to provide refutation for false statements.

They’ve also decided to suspend the rules about not being allowed to make maliciously false statements about others if you are a politician.

A targeted disinformation campaign from another resulted in the election of a con man as president of the United States. If you don’t support Trump, then you should be on board with this.

Just because something doesn’t break the law doesn’t mean it’s okay. You’re on a board about fighting ignorance–you should not want it to spread.

You all can go to hell; never complain again, dumb bitch fuckers! You people are fucking slaves.

In the other thread about AOC, there was this comment:

Would you say that Facebook should delete any posts from AOC that rates as “Pants on Fire”?

Alright I see now. I don’t use facebook and haven’t been following the news, all I did was read the OP link. It seems facebook now has a double standard? OK. That sucks.

Anger is the emotion one feels when they see something wrong, something that shouldn’t be. It is what motivates us to try and change those things.

So what the fuck is wrong with being angry about “bad people”? If the guy is doing something bad, why shouldn’t he be angry?

Oh, and asahi’s flaw is getting too despaired and hopeless about things. Getting angry is an improvement.

Who are the “bad people” in the OP?

He’s back! Tell me - will we all kneel while you laugh?

Aren’t you late for your next OP about how you and you alone were right all along, we’re all doomed, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it?

Asahi is like the verbal equivalent of a mass shooter in the mall, firing rants at random people.

I deleted Facebook years ago as I believe social media is a vacuous waste of time. That said I don’t see how it’s Zuckerberg’s responsibility to search through and validate political ads.

Promising something that they’d fail miserably at providing and pleasing no one in the process and would cost them tremendous amounts of time and money is very counterproductive. If people are getting their so-called facts from Facebook memes the problem is with the people not the platform.

Yay! Go!! Zucky isn’t even the richest man in the world yet; who can blame him for wanting to raise a few pennies helping Russia if it brings him closer to his goal.

If something isn’t criminal, then it is mandatory. Got it. You fit in real well in post-rational America.

You’re still here? Shouldn’t you have flounced by now?