Marriage, and kittens. (No, not marrying kittens, or kittens marrying.)

Well, Pickle, the girl, is always doing her war dance with the kitties. But it’s funny, her main playmate when we got her was the cat, and not the other ferret. So her play noise isn’t “Dook dook dook!”, she hisses. For a day or two she terrorized the kittens, as they couldn’t figure out how to deal with an animal quite so low to the ground. But then Spamzo decided that she would make a fine toy, and now he chases back. At the time of the pictures, though, pickle was out and about destroying things in our apartment, so she didn’t challenge Spamzo.

Thank you very much!

…as a heart attack :wink:

Well, I just checked the North Shore Animal League’s website, and it seems that all of the kittens have already been adopted. Sorry… but maybe you want to try fostering your own litter some day? I think it’s a great way to get to know the kittens and really learn their personalities before you adopt them.

(that’ll teach me not to preview)

Wow, I’ve gotten so many people giving me congrats, thank you! (And the kittens say thanks too.).

Ahhh. I just checked their website and they’re low on kittens. I’d wager, though, that since it’s summer there will be lots of kittens are various SPCA’s who need foster homes.

Honestly, it never occured to me you could do such a thing. I may go and ask the Humane Society just that. Thanks again!

Once again, good luck on the impending nuptials. Make sure you get a pre-nup. Just kidding! :wink:

FinnAgain, I just e-mailed my local Humane Society to see if they do such things and they need a foster home right now. So - let’s see!
Thanks for the idea!

No problem, always glad to help people adopt kittens who need a home.

Speaking of which, upstate NY is a big place, are you anywhere near Ithaca? Because, I’m pretty sure, that they have a few kittens who still need foster homes. If you’re interested I could always have my fiancee ask about it.

By the way, I was going to email you but you don’t seem to have it public: I just asked my fiancee, and she says that she thinks that our local SPCA is always looking for foster families. So, if you have no luck with your local place and Ithaca is a close enough drive for you, just drop me an email and I’ll set things up as best I’m able.

Finn, are the kittens pre-screen for contagious disease? I would love to do the fostering, but I do not want to endanger our two kitties.
Does your fiancée have any contacts in Monmouth County in NJ?
We adopted The black kitty, Beauty from them. She was an adult rescue.


Hrm. I’m honestly not sure about diseases, but I can certainly find out for you. I do know that the kittens we got had worms at first, and a few of the cats in the shelter now have colds. But they were all being treated. I’ll find out for you.

However, I don’t think we’ve got any contacts over in NJ, but I can find out about that too. I imagine various branches of the SPCA keep in touch. It’s also probable the local SPCA’s in your area need foster parents and you wouldn’t even need our help.

I’ll give them a call next week and see what they say. I never knew about kitten fostering before.
