An a friend who has been ill for some time recently to me that they had received some relief from massage therapy. More and more people that I know have been utilizing massage therapy and pleased by it.
I follow mainstream medicine and health, and I am intriuged how some alterntive therapies are being more widely accepted. Among these are the use of chiropractors and massage therapists. I had long been of the opinion that as a whole, most chiropractors were questionable as to being able to fulfill promises made and medical advice made sometime sounds quite strange, however I am sure that there are some good ones. I do not know if I judge to harshly or not, as some people do seem to be clearly helped by chiropractic care. My thoughts above are based on a more technical and medical point of view to claims and treatment methods, as opposed to experience as a client.
What I do know is that massage therapy is becoming increasingly popular, and people see them for many of the same type of reasons that people traditionally have gone to chiropractors, many chiropractors even now employ massage therapists themselves.
What I would like to hear is opinions from people that have had experience with chiropractors or massage therapists, or preferrably both. Have you been helped or satisfied by either?
What I would really like to hear , is if people feel one is better than the other in terms of helping them achieve what ever they had hoped to achieve by seeing a chiropractor/massage therapist. If you have used both, what would your preference be in the future?