Massive measles outbreak - thank you, Andrew Fucking Wakefield

Yup, it’s happened again. After enough credulous goobers decided that vaccination was a bad thing, herd immunity has fallen enough for another measles outbreak to occur, this time in South Wales, and it’s a big one. This one’s been going on since November but the number of cases is now over 800, with one suspected measles-related death.

Note that, on the NHS, vaccinations are FREE and done by your local GP as well as by free clinics. There is NO FUCKING EXCUSE, apart from your woollyheaded parental derpitude, not to get your kid immunized against a disease that, frankly, no one has to get as long as everyone acts with a minimum of responsibility.

But no, the good Doctor Wakefield had to gin up hysteria about a safe, standard vaccine and, aided by the Jenny McCarthys of the world and abetted by the shitstirring media, now every parent with a room temperature IQ is determined to protect their little Crystal Child from the evils of Big Pharma by not getting them vaccinated.

And this is the result. 800+ people sick, 77 in hospital, possibly one dead, and all because that medical shitsack wanted to troll the country.

I am a tad miffed. I wonder if we could get Wakefield deported to Wales?

This is what happens when you read the newspapers. And worse, actually believe the shit they spew.

While not quite on that scale, there is an outbreak ongoing in North Carolina related to an unvaccinated family one of whom travelled to India and brought it home.


I’ve said this before on the boards, but it bears repeating. It doesn’t matter if Wakefield’s study was genuine or not; if you believe it, and choose not to vaccinate your child because of it, you are saying that life on the autistic spectrum is a fate worse than death. No one has ever died from a learning disability, you dumbfucks. They DO die, on the other hand, from the diseases that the MMR vaccine prevents.

I’m a bit confused. Is the outbreak moving from one non-vaccinated person to another, or is the vaccine’s efficacy limited to certain situations? That is, say I take my vaccinated family to the park. Another, un-vaccinated family shows up and want to show us pictures of their recent trip overseas. (where one of them contracted measles). I’m already worried that stupidity is contagious, are we also susceptible to measles?

Herd Immunity.

The Daily Fail irresposnsible hypocritical fucks.

I heartily endorse this piting. What’s going on right now is that fucker scared people away from vaccinating their kids a decade ago. So many kids in Wales don’t have immunity from measles.

Autism is generally a bit more than “a learning disability”, and the odds of measles related death are pretty infinitesimal even in the unvaccinated. I’m as pro-vax as they come, but hyperbole is what got us here in the first place.

Ah. Fair enough. I still think Wakefield should stand trial for all these deaths, but last time I proposed it I got yelled at. :frowning:

This won’t be true the more people eschew vaccinations though, right?

No. But people who refuse to vaccinate their kids aren’t doing it because they have a strong grasp of immunology; quite the opposite.

There were six deaths in France during a measles outbreak in France recently. Measles complications are very common:

People are so terrified of complications from the MMR but an actual case of the measles can easily result in complications. Ironically rubella is a factor in autism. Vaccination can help prevent it.

Wakefield was talking about less-debilitating forms of autism too, and people with HFAD or Asperger’s can certainly lead normal lives. At least as much as someone with hearing loss or blindness can.

There’s a huge demonization of people with autism by many anti-vaxxers that is utterly revolting. Jenny McCarthy actually said her son had no soul.


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: If you ever happen to meet Andrew Wakefield, you kick him in the dick.

You mean all over?

Even when he was debunked, many people didn’t stop believing that vaccines are bad. The new ‘popular’ idea among the idiot circles is that it’s much better for a child to build a ‘natural’ immunity to the disease by actually catching it. So these parents think it’s better for their children to get measles, mumps, chicken pox than to actually get a vaccine for it.

I’m just waiting for an anti-vaxxer to show up. They always do…

The really nasty thing is that Wakefield did it for money. He pushed his bogus claims so that he could profit from an “alternative” vaccine. He did not even believe his own bullshit - he was simply subjecting people to disease so that he could make some cash.

Really, he should be serving a life sentence.