I’m glad they did away with showing the tryouts where everyone brings their family and jumped into the competing. I couldn’t believe they only dumped two during the first competition–I thought it would be more of a bloodbath there.
I don’t know how they managed to edit it so that I didn’t feel like Malibu KenDad was a douche, but I kinda liked him. I ended up liking the Clown Suit guy too, although I wanted to throw something at the tv the minute he said ‘molecular gastronomy’. (Just a pet peeve.) And I have to say, “Go li’l Pie Girl–BUT STOP MAKING PIES!”
Graham looks great! Good for him. (FTR, this is not fatshaming. I am fat. I applaud him for the weight loss. I bet his knees thank him–I know mine will when I do.)
Thank you, Fox, for reminding me in the very first episode why I don’t like this show but will watch any version from the BBC. Seriously? 30 contestants at once? Not allowing some of them to even finish a dish before you kick them out? And all the terrible editing and annoying competitors. Can’t we have one decent competition show in this country?
Well, maybe the next season of the Great British Bake-off will come out soon.
Whitney was the messy one? I didn’t remember her looking like that. I’m rooting for Big Willie. One, he’s from around here and two, he really took a NASTY comment from Joe about his weight with grace. Joe used to be pretty heavy, so he can get right off his high horse.
Courtney irritates me, but that was a smart move in the long run.
No, the messy one was the girl eliminated about the half-way point – she made lemon bars, I think.
As for Courtney, what was the point of making all the belittling comments as you pick who had to cook? The choices were fine, but what did saying things like “she hasn’t impressed me” or “I’m sure I can beat her later” as you went along do other than creating enemies?