Materials that remain strong and flexible at liquid nitrogen temperatures?

Long story made short, some time ago, I saw a TV show that was some kind of futuristic crime drama. I don’t remember what the show was and it’s not terribly important to me to identify it. What matters is that the MacGuffin was stored at super-cooled temperatures. When the bad guys tried to recover the device (which was the size of a small car) they removed the lid from the container, lowered the hook from a crane down and connected it to lifting straps that were already attached to the device and stored at the same super cooled temperatures. Even at such temperatures, these straps were still strong and flexible enough to enable the crane to lift a mass of several hundred kilo.

Do such materials actually exist in our world today? What’s my best bet for strong, flexible materials at such temperatures?

Certain stainless steels have good cryogenic performance.
Maybe a cable or mesh made of this material?

9% nickel steel - “After heat treatment, 9% Nickel steel can meet requirements for ductility at temperatures as low as -196°C.”

Duct Tape!!!

Seriously, there are a number of polymers that do just fine at LN2 temperatures and below and have no real problems with cycling between RT and cryo. Woven kevlar would probably work and be very script-worthy. There are glass and carbon fibers that would also make a fine support if woven into a wide and thick strap.

Remember, a mainstay of any low temperature physics laboratory is…dental floss. To hang things from, tie things together, etc.