Matt Gaetz being investigated for sex with 17 year old girl (DOJ declines to charge 2023-02-15)

Fair point.

At this point, it would be shorter to list the crimes Gaetz isn’t going to be charged with.

I just got an email from Matt Gaetz. He wants me to help him “trigger the left.” I’m sure I’ll be annoyed if I open up the email and read further.

Speaking as a member of the left, what I find most “triggering” is his sleeping with 17 year olds. So I would definitely shy away from opening any email that would help him with that.

Well, he’s fucked.

Meanwhile, Republicans are calling it a Deep State plot.

Because everything is always everyone else’s fault when you’re a Republican.

The Party of Personal Responsibility-Some other person is responsible.

From the link:

I see statements like this as evidence that January 6th isn’t going to be the last bit of trouble.

Republicans are always the real victim; just listen and they’ll tell you. Or don’t and they’ll scream and yell and cause a scene. But they’re gonna tell you, because they deserve to.

I’m picturing something like Spock’s Brain only I’m wondering what was removed so the remote control could be used and would it control his little head as well?

Pixar scooped everyone!

You don’t understand. The little head is the remote control.

And the beat goes on:

The latest: Gaetz associate expected to plead guilty in federal case

MSNBC reporting on Daily Beast’s coverage of the Gaetz story (video)

Good thing he loves orange.

On a side note, I love that in the sidebar MSNBC has titled another story “Failed Florida blogger Trump clings to power as GOP ousts Cheney”. [bolding mine]

And the weather report is calling for some serious shade…

It is important to note that some other person is personally responsible.

Details on the deal which Greenberg has cut, none of which is likely good for Gaetz, in today’s WaPo: