Mature Doper ladies, I would like your opinion.

OK, so I’m 46 years old. I was advised I might be perimenopausal back when I turned 40. But I never had any ‘symptoms’ before today.

All day long, I felt as if I was fighting off a cold. Had sinus congestion, and had to blow my nose a couple of times. No biggie there. But, as I was driving home from work, I was stopped at a red light. And my temperature zoomed off the scale. I swear, I must have been burning a 106-degree temp. Perspiration dripped off of me, and my armpits were soaked! I ripped off my jacket, to no avail. My heart was racing, but it only lasted like 60-90 seconds.

I managed to drive home without any incidents, but I wondered what the problem was. I called my doctor when I got home and explained the episode to him. He told me it was most likely a “Hot Flash”.

A “Hot Flash”!! Indeed!

How do ya’ll deal with Hot Flashes? If I’m a good girl and eat lots of yams, can I avoid another occurence of the dreaded “Hot Flash”? Believe me, I don’t want to have another incident. It was the most horrible feeling, and I don’t want to go back there.

For what it’s worth, I’ve been taking Estroven for the past year.

oh dear truthbot , I am not much use, I am afraid.

I am now considered “post menopausal” my doctor tells me, at 50, as I haven’t had a period in over 12 months. But I still get the odd hot flush (as we call them down under). I have not used anything as my symptoms have fortunately been mild, but my GP recommended red clover and I have also heard that creams with black cohosh are effective.

If you don’t want to go down the path of HRT there are lots of herbal remedies available at your pharmacy or health food store that seem to be effective

It was a power surge!

Seriously, no help to offer her. I’m 50 and still (so far) having regular periods and no obvious physical menopausal symptoms. Except for the chin hairs that have started sprouting. Og, I hate those things…

It was a power surge!

Seriously, no help to offer here. I’m 50 and still (so far) having regular periods and no obvious physical menopausal symptoms. Except for the chin hairs that have started sprouting. Og, I hate those things…

I’m 46 and am pre-menopausal also. My hot flashes aren’t quite as bad as yours, but I have a girlfriend who had them so bad she had to change the sheets every single night! She was freaked about a lengthy trip to Europe, so she went to her doctor. He gave her an injection of some sort of hormone. It lasted 3 months and she said it was an absolute godsend. You might want to inquire.

I’m not sure I can be much help either. My sistuation is different in I had to have a complete hysto when I was 34. I take premarin. It cuts the number of hot flashes down and the severity.