Mayor: Cut thumbs off graffiti 'punks'

Well, now, how much graffiti do you see in Rijadh?

Or Singapore.

I’ve always thought that putting a chemical in muncipal paint that would explode when coming in contact with a corresponding chemical in spray paint would solve the problem.

So what would he suggest for people who piss on the street? :eek:

I think he’d suggest they don’t do it, and leave their imaginations to work :slight_smile:

Oscar Goodman (the best mayor of any city since Ed Koch) has a unique gift among politicians–he speaks his mind!!! Oscar says the things most of us are thinking except that we’re too afraid of being castrated by the fucking PC squad!

Now, having said that, I’m sure our mayor was exaggerating–he has a tendency to do that sometimes. But the point is valid–people who deface private (or public) property should be punished! Some call it “art”–most of us call it destruction of property!

I’m sure the Nazis thought it was “self-expression” when they painted “JUDEN” on Jewish-owned businesses, too!

Little over the top maybe, I hope this was tongue in cheek.
Graffiti artist should be made to clean up and punished, but comparing them to Nazi’s, this is maybe a little extreme.

If Goodman is not a complete loon, and it sounds like he might not be than I will try to treat his statements with the deserving humor. But please get a grip. They are defacing property, not staging genocide.


High voltage rails, embedded in the concrete. Yowch! :eek:

Works for me!

The police in Albuquerque had a good idea on how to deal with graffiti. Before the city painted over graffiti, they took a photograph of it. They then kept a file of the different types of graffiti, since it was mostly gangs using the same ‘art’ to identify what gang painted it. When someone was actually caught painting graffiti, they faced a criminal charge for the one instance they were caught, and then a civil case was filed against them for every instance that similar graffiti was found. It worked because the burden of proof is less in a civil case. The city only had to say “Hey, we caught this guy making this mark, and here are 10 cases of where the same mark was made. It cost the city $5,000 to cover these.” Several of the civil cases were found in favor of the city, and the tagger or his parents were stuck with the bill.

Make them eat at the buffett at the Stratosphere or Imperial Palace for a year. Death would be a mercy. :smiley:

Sounds good to me… so long as we can also cut out politicians’ tongues.