A family member is recovering from shingles… took the prescribed meds, and was healing okay. One of the blisters broke, though, and I read online that that can spread chickenpox to people who haven’t had it.
How long is it contagious?
A family member is recovering from shingles… took the prescribed meds, and was healing okay. One of the blisters broke, though, and I read online that that can spread chickenpox to people who haven’t had it.
How long is it contagious?
Yes, if you’ve not had chickpox, you can catch it from someone with shingles. Once you’ve had chickpox, the virus remains with you. On occasion, and for some people, the virus re-expresses itself in the form of shingles. The blister contains virus when watery (contagious), but when they scab over, then they don’t contain virus (non-contagious).
Hawaii’s Dept of Health suggests that contagion ends once the blisters have crusted over and no new blisters have appeared.
Hope your relative is feeling better.