GAH! ewwww…ewwwww…ewwww…
So, I’m getting ready to go to work this morning, minding my own business, when i walk into the kitchen to get some breakfast before leaving. There, climbing slowly up my kitchen wall, happily poking at things with it’s feelers was a cockroach that was at LEAST an inch long, probably longer. I’m thinking roughly the size of my thumb - and I’m not exaggerating, it was the biggest roach I’ve ever seen in real life.
I froze, watching it explore for a minute. I then decided that, since the thought of squishing something that large and goo-filled turned my no-longer-growling stomach, I would catch it and flush it. Good plan, except that it was far above where I could reach.
I feel behind me for a gladware container, eyeing the offensive creature the whole time (I did NOT want it to get away).
In order to scare it down the wall a bit and closer to me (whoever thought somebody would want to bring a cockroach CLOSER?), I threw the gladware lid at it, and missed. It went further up the wall. I grabbed the nearest item, an empty egg container - SCORE! It came running down the wall, and I, holding the gladware in my hand, caught it! Still, as I held the gladware against the wall, I realized my dilema - how do I get the lid under it without letting it out at me? turns out, due to it’s size, that wasn’t really an issue. So, I slid the lid under it, plucked it off the wall and trotted to the bathroom, holding the vile thing as far away as possible. I dropped it into the toilet, afraid it was somehow going to come out at me instead, but no! Into the bowel it went, and scurried around underneath the seat for a moment, before I flushed and it met a water death.
I flushed a few more times just to be sure, then called my landlord to let him know of the invasion (they weren’t open, had to leave a message).
So, and doper cockroach advice? I’ve been trying to tell myself that it was a rogue cockroach, living a life of solitude in my apt, but from what I’ve heard of roaches, I doubt very my much my delusion is actually true.
I’ve lived in this apt. for two years, and have NEVER seen a roach in the building. My apartment is not dirty (the empty egg carton was for my gerbils - they like to chew stuff like that). I’m also moving out in about a month, and dont’ want to take any roaches with me when I do. I’m assuming the landlord will do something about this, but in the meantime - what do I do? I’m going to SCOUR my kitchen (and the rest of my house) when I get home, and also throw away any food that is not VERY well sealed or in the fridge/freezer. Anything specific I should do?
Sorry the story isn’t more graphic, but I was hung-over on three hours of sleep when all of this happened. Also, I threw away the gladware I caught the thing in - too bad it was still pretty new.