
Thanks! I enjoy reading your comments in the Great Debates-frankly I think I tend to ramble and you do a much better job of stating your case and incorporating facts into the subject. After reading your posts I find myself thinking “yeah, yeah, that’s what I should of said” coupled with “that’s good! I hadn’t thought of it like that!”:smiley:

Funny, I’ve been known to think the same about you! Like I said, it’s a pleasure knowing you!


My interaction with Meatros has been limited, due to my extreme intimidation complex about GD…where he appears to hang out most of the time. However, the few times I have ventured in, I have found him to be a very rational, polite and intelligent debator…and I confess to having developed very warm feelings for him somewhere along the line. This might have something to do with the fact that he actually appears to understand what I am saying. This is not always as easy to do as one might wish.

IOW, this is a “me too” post. :smiley:

My Love, honey!


Rational? Intelligent? Polite? Me? :D, why thank you!

Uh…wha?? I’m not following you…:smiley:

Yeah…that was bad, but I had too…:smiley:

I’ve always found that your posts are easy to read and understand. You also seem to have a lot of good information to share!

Thanks again, my Love to you too, and to everyone on this thread!:smiley: