medical malpractice insurance

please see this english text …

In each of
the past 10 years, as the cost of medical malpractice insurance and of new medical technologies soared, other hospitals have chosen to increase nurses’ work loads or patients’ cost of care.

what is *medical malpractice insurance

It’s professional liability insurance for doctors, required in most states to practice medicine.

And bear in mind that medical malpractice reform (or ‘tort reform’) gets very politicised: it’s a major Republican goal, whereas Democrats tend to oppose it because trial lawyers are a big Democratic constituency. Reforming the medical malpractice system would not save nearly as much money as conservatives often intimate: the Congressional Budget Office estimates it would save about $54 billion over the next 10 years, which is not a great deal in the context of health-care spending. The health-care bill passed earlier in the year is estimated to save more than $120 billion over the first ten years (which is also not very much), and $1+ trillion over the second 10 years, which is a much more significant figure.

hi, thanks for the post. but i could not understand the meaning still . still i’m confused.

first of all, i would like to know what is medical malpractice insurance after all . what it does .

this will help me to understand that sentence first . After that i may go deeper.

so, could you please tell me in simple words , what medical malpractice insurance means .

themajestic, I understand you’re learning English. Wonderful! Please let me know if there’s anything here you don’t understand. I’ll try to use different words if you need them.

medical = having to do with medicine. Doctors’ and nurses’ jobs, in this case.

malpractice = doing something wrong at your job. If a doctor orders the wrong medicine for someone, that would be one kind of malpractice.

insurance = a company takes some money each month from the doctor or hospital, with the understanding that if the doctor or hospital is sued for medical malpractice, the insurance company will help argue for them in court. They will also pay any money the judge decides the doctor or hospital owes for their mistake.

What your sentence is saying is that this medical malpractice insurance is very expensive for doctors to pay for. Also, medical equipment (tools) is very expensive. This means the doctors and hospitals have to eliminate some jobs or raise their prices to make more money to pay high medical malpractice insurance rates, and also to pay for the equipment they use.

that was wonderful . I am comfortable.

I have a little hiccup on the part below

how it is related to medical insurance company ?

Is it when the equipment is wrongly used insurance company will pay the damage to the patient ?


Is it if the equipment is broken while in use , the insurance company will pay the cost of the equipment ?

l would like to know the connection between medical equipment and medical insurance …this part is not clear… could you please elaborate this part ?

I’ll try to. They’re not connected. They are written as two items in a list. The sentence says there are two things which make hospitals eliminate their staff or raise their prices. One of these things is very expensive medical malpractice insurance. The other thing is expensive medical equipment. The two are written together because they both influence the hospital, not because they are related to each other.

Excellent . No more doubt . Happy now.

Thanks for your time. It was very much helpful.

You are very welcome! :slight_smile: