Medical question...ID this drug from its description.

Okay, here’s the deal:

When I was younger (say, 10-15 years ago), I was on a medication for acne. This pill was supposed to dry up the oils in your skin. As I recall, it worked pretty well, too.

Fast forward a few years. I learn that the medicine has been pulled off of the market because it could potentially cause liver damage. I put it out of my mind.

Few more years go by, and I mention it to my doctor, just in passing. I tell him I can’t remember the name of the drug, but I can describe the pill: It’s a capsule. The outer part is an olive green. The inner part (the part that slides into the other side) is a greyish color. He tells me he knows what medication I’m thinking of, but doesn’t notate in my chart. I assume since I didn’t see him about any problem related to my liver.

Within the last 6 months to a year, I’ve learned that my ALTs (liver enzyme) are too high. As a result, I cannot give blood/plasma/etc. And I may not be able to take some medications, since they metastatize in the liver. I wonder if it’s related to this medication. However, in the meantime, my old doctor has closed his practice and moved out of state. There is no mention of this medication in my new doctor’s charts on me.

I’ve called Poison Control for help, pharmacies that I’ve used (to search for my history), and my current doctor’s office. I’ve also searched WebMD. Nothing conclusive about any connection, since I can’t provide the name of the medication.

Is there an avenue that exists that I haven’t tried? Or does someone here (preferably someone with medical experience) happen to know the drug I mean?


That’s a very widely-prescribed drug for acne, but it’s an antibiotic, and doesn’t dry up the oils in the skin. Furthermore, it’s very much not off the market (at least in the US, I’m not sure about The Fortress of Solitude).

So - i don’t think that’s it.

Has Tetracycline been pulled off of the market?

I COULD ask my mother, but she’s recently become an alcoholic, and has severe emotional issues, so I wouldn’t be confident in anything that she says.

Visit your local library. Ask the ref desk for the “Physicians Desk Reference” for the year you took the drug. You should be able to find it and continue your research from there.

Additionally, the pharmacy you used may have records they are willing and able to share. Actually, if you just talk to a couple of friendly local phramacists, they may be able to help.

Accutane is a high-octane acne medication which to some degree has been associated with liver disease. I have not taken it myself so I don’t know what the pill looks like.

IANA Health professional.

Here’s a pic, not olive green capsule as you describe but a tablet. I guess not.

Nope, that wasn’t it. But thanks for the input.

Are you sure it is not accutane? Accutane has the most severe side-effect profile of any of the anti-acne drugs but it is extremely effective. It can liver damage. My money is still on Accutane.

Don’t pay attention to the picture of the pill. The capsule that it is put into is just packaging and may var by dose, over time etc.

Are you sure it is not accutane? Accutane has the most severe side-effect profile of any of the anti-acne drugs but it is extremely effective. It can liver damage. My money is still on Accutane.

Don’t pay attention to the picture of the pill. The capsule that it is put into is just packaging and may vary by dose, over time etc.

If it is not Accutane, then it is probably a closely related vitamin a derivative such as Soriatane (actiretin), Tegison (etretinate), or Vesanoid (retinoin).

I’ll throw out a few longshot ideas for you.

1 - talk to the doctor that prescribed the med for you (I couldn’t tell if that was the specific doctor you were talking to in the OP) he should still have records.

2 - ask the pharmacy where you had it filled. This is a way longshot because most records are purged after 10 years b/c fed regs only go to 7 years.

I don’t remember a drug that fits all of the things you say about it. Accutane is still available. Tetracycline is too. One other thing - and this is stretching my level of expertise - most drugs that are liver toxic are only liver toxic while you’re on them - so I wonder if your elevated LFTs now could be something other than a drug that was gone out of your body 15 years ago.

Unfortunately, a 15-year-old PDR just may be your best bet.

miatachris, R.Ph.