Medical term for a limb falling asleep?

Anyone know what’s that called? Lately my arms fall asleep alot, particularly at night and, being the neurotic that I am, I wanted to Google it and see what kind of horrible diseases I could obsess about having. :rolleyes: (I’m almost 90% sure I don’t have a horrible disease…)

It’s pretty obscure (i.e., doesn’t show up in most dictionaries) but “obdormition” might be the word your looking for.

I’m on my PDA so I’m not gonna try to do all the coding for links- Google for “Paresthesias”. It’s probably nothing more than a pinched nerve. My left leg goes to sleep whenever my cat sits on my lap because I tend to shift my weight to one side so she doesn’t slide off. This causes a nerve to get pinched in the buttcheek region.

If you really need a disease to worry about, I think diabetics get the same sensation in their limbs, but I don’t know what it means to them.


Cool, I think “Paresthesias” is the term I’m looking for. Hey, look! I could have neurotoxic shellfish poisoning! (BTW, in case anyone is worried about self-diagnosing, I actually have an appointment with a hand and arm specialist for another chronic condition and I’m going to ask him about this…)

The Master Speaks.

Hmmmm, I googled “neuropraxia” and look what I found. Somebody’s been plagarizing…

Release the hounds!

Try this link. Should answer your question.

Answer the question? The linked page is almost content free except that it gives the definition of the term (which had already been provided by chukhung’ Stedman’s link).

By the way, not that I am the final arbiter, or even representative of most docs, but I can’t recall hearing anyone use the term “obdormition” in over 30 years. On the other hand, paresthesia and dysesthesia are basically everyday terms (and are what would be used to describe what the OP refers to as “falling asleep”).