Meet the star of the new Pet Sematary

The best kind of movie to remake.

Don’t they all?

Don’t “Ayup” me, yow’un. :wink:

My friend and I saw Pet Semetary in the theater and we both knew about the song that the Ramones made for the movie but we were both taken aback a bit when the truck driver started rocking out to “Sheena is a Punk Rocker” while driving fast through the twisty mountain highway. It kind of spoiled the moment for us because he and I were singing along and yet we both knew that this was where Gage was going to get crushed.

I don’t remember much about the sequel other than it had Eddie Furlong, coming off of a pretty big Box Office rub of being in Terminator II. I didn’t realize Poison Heart was in the movie but its Wikipedia entry said it was “included” in the movie and Dee Dee gave it to the band in exchange for getting bailed out of jail.

No, no, dear. You’ve made the common mistake of interpreting their look of austere confidence that is reflective of their knowledge that they are totally superior in every way for a pissed off look.

Don’t feel bad, only we cat people know the difference.

The soil of a man’s heart is stonier, burpo:slight_smile:


Gwynne was perfect casting. Do a straight adaptation with better leads and it will be unwatchable.

The death of the ***** in the book was devastating. Good leads will make it unwatchable.

Shit…make it a mini-series to do it true horror justice.

I remember seeing it at the dollar theater with college friends. As we were driving back to school, a squirrel ran out in front of the car ahead of us and got squished. A little ominous way to end the experience.

I recognize the look, if only from one cat. The other two are ,respectively, too sweet and too ditzy to manage that expression.

The trailer for the movie is creepy, btw.