Members can now post profile photos

You should be fixed now. Go ahead annd give it another try when you get a chance.

See, and that baby picture is the first profile picture ever used on the SDMB. :smiley: It was my test picture for when I was setting this up.

My life is now complete. Well almost… I still need to check “• Climb North Ridge of K2” off my list.

Thank you, it works now. I seem to create a lot of problems for you.

a visible wombat???

Can’t be a picture of you; I can see it. :smiley:

I said it was a baby picture – back when I was visible. :wink:

Awwww. You were adorable. :smiley:

There we go!

Very cool new feature.

I went to look at your picture and found out we have the same birthday. I’m easily amused, so I thought that was neat.

Holy shit, No one ever shares my birthday. Well, except George Washington and Drew Barrymore… but no one’s ever heard of them. But the four of us are now in the* February 22nd Cool-Club*, which of us will be president?

Nice pic, and looks like I got a year on you. I’m so old. sigh

What Exit? you are one weird looking dude.

Thanks, I’ll replace it eventually. :wink:

That was a convenient picture to try the new function with and completely non-offensive. I used a map of Middle-Earth on the Goodreads site but that is more appropriate.

BTW: That is a picture of possibly the only working Tuckerton Bay Sailing Garvey. I spend a lot of time keeping it river-worthy.

OpalCat, you rock. Thanks for the new profile image I’m using!

That’s a great pic.

I’m actually tempted to pay again for this.

This feature rocks. Thanks for all those who made it happen.

My fiancé was born on February 22. Mine is the 11th.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:
(I’ll do anything to procrastinate writing a paper…)

Ok, he can join the 222 Club. You can come too, I suppose, seeing you divide nicely into 22.

My dad, two of my sisters and myself and my MIL are all Febs. It’s such a small month to cram all those Birthdays into.


Well, Washington was originally born on the 11th, before the calendar change.