Members can now post profile photos

We’ve decided to allow SDMB members to post photos of themselves in their user profiles. Instructions may be found at the end of this post. Things you should know:

  1. We’re doing this on a trial basis. We may discontinue pictures if people abuse the privilege or the staff burden is too great

  2. Your picture will be visible only when someone clicks on your user profile. It’s NOT an avatar, and won’t appear with every post.

  3. Only paid-up members plus staff will be allowed to post pictures. We realize this is at odds with our previously stated intention of not differentiating between members and guests in terms of perks. However, we’re concerned that people may register as guests solely for the purpose of posting objectionable photos.

  4. We reserve the right to reject a pic for any reason. We’re trying to keep this simple, so no guidelines at this time other than no porn or otherwise shocking material. Please don’t push the envelope and make us regret we did this. If you see an objectionable picture, please notify staff immediately.

How to upload profile pics:

1.) Click on User CP
2.) Click on Edit Profile Picture
3.) Either complete the URL of the image you’d like to use (Option 1), or click browse and choose an image to upload from your computer (Option 2).
4.) Click on Save Changes.

Your profile picture is limited to a maximum of 125x125 pixels, and can be up to 100KB in size. Anything larger in either size or dimension will be automatically resized by the board software and saved in a jpeg format. Since resizing will probably decrease the quality of your image, your best bet is to upload a picture that already fits within the size restrictions. Permissible image types are JPEG, PNG and non-animated GIF.

You seriously rock Ed. Thanks!!!

ETA - Wait, I don’t see it.

Go ahead and try again, Cluricaun.

Thanks, Ed!

Got it. Thanks Skip.

Thank you Ed, I just tried it and it worked well.

Will Uncle Cecil post his image?

I know **SkipMagic **is a lot younger looking than I thought he would be.

Can someone click my profile and see if my picture is there? It says upload failed, but I see the picture. Thank you!

Never mind, sorry. If I click my profile, I see my picture.

I’ll go back to my vodka and juice now.

Thanks for the profile picture option–I sure like it better than avatars.

It’s there.

Didn’t know I was cribbing my posts, eh?

Ooh, that pun hurt. :smiley:

Sweet Ed. I had to put a puppy pic on tonight because my avatar is on my other machine but that’s a cool feature.

This is actually meant to put the kibosh on the chronically recurrent “doper picture” threads, isn’t it? :wink:

What? We can still have those, right :wink: After all, there’s only one picture in the profile :smiley:

Yeah, by the time I get 7 kids, me, the wife, the german shepard the frogs & fishes and the damned bird (who, thanks to The Dope I continue to refer to as Onan now) in the postage stamp we may all get about two pixels each. Although I see this a way to help evolve the Doper Picture threads from “Thisee’s here’s what I looks like” to what it really is, blatant narcissism and masturbatory validation. Two of my favorite past times.

I think I’ll be re-upping my subscription as soon as I review my budget - and finish eating the budgie.

I hope this feature turns out well, thanks admin & staff.

Um… so are these profile photos only viewable by paid up members? I don’t seem to see them.

You should be able to see them now.

Hee! Thanks Guyz!