Men/Dads that important for children's well being?

Yup, her question supposes that the initial premise is valid and true. I don’t believe that her initial premise is founded and therefore the questions are moot.

Thanks for clearing that up for me, folks. I didn’t even realize the original premise - that a lot of family studies ignore men - was in question. And so I totally misinterpreted Omniscient’s response. I myself have read next to nothing (not counting unscientific Reader’s Digesty stuff) about family sociology, so I have nothing to add. So I’ll just listen quietly, without saying anything. Just like my dad did at the dinner table every night. chuckle

Actually, I’m pretty sure I just read of a fairly credible study (not saying it’s correct) concluding that the presence or absence of a father in the household is dwarfed in its effect by the socioeconomic circumstances of the child as a factor.