Men, how do you shave hair around your genitals?

I am NOT playing hide and seek with you!

Why don’t you start a poll?

Only time it happened I had a nurse do it.

I have Kiff for that.[/ZB]

Very, very carefully.

What a peculiar topic to discuss.


It’s really not a big deal. It’s not hard to do, you don’t cut into your balls if you do happen to get a little nick; it’s just shaving. Albeit in a sensitive area. But it’s not like you are punching yourself in the balls with your electric razor. You’re just delicately going over the skin that surrounds them.

I keep the whole area clipped pretty short with a beard trimmer, when it occurs to me. I used to shave the scrotum in the shower, in addition, which isn’t as tricky as you might imagine.


The “<snip>” implies use of a pair of scissors & not a razor.

Maybe it’s OK if they just cover their eye.

If you don’t want to risk a cut, you could always just pluck it like a chicken. :eek:

Agreed. MaverocK, I am freaked out by your opinions and wish to unsubscribe from your newsletter.

Unless surgery is imminent, nobody should be shaving their bits…please, people! :smiley:

I’ve done that. It’s actually not very painful at all – a lot less so than plucking nose hairs, for instance. Kinda fun if you’re listening to a podcast at a computer and need something to do with your hands; it’s satisfying in much the same way peeling Elmer’s glue off your palms is.

The librarians don’t seem to care for it, though.


ETA: Curse you, Battle Pope! <shakes fist>

Why not just get a spray-on bottle of some caustic glop and dissolve all that hair away?

ETA: Like, maybe that spray-on oven cleaner stuff would do the job.

I’m covered with a thick, luxurious pelt from head to toe. Shaving my genitals would create an unnatural looking wasteland. That’s why I avoid manscaping of any form below the neck.

I don’t get the pube shaving obsession of today, for either sex. It makes you look freaky, and it hurts like hell when growing back in and limits sex.

I think it started in porn because it made it easier to see the uh action, and easier for the actors to clean up after.