Men, how do you shave hair around your genitals?

That’s Gaston’s song from Beauty and the Beast.

That’s a little unwieldy for the job. I use a machete.

Never. Won’t even experiment with that.

I’m especially good at expectorating.

(I know, just cracking an out-of-context joke :slight_smile: )

I always thought it was because so many women in porn bleach or colour the hair on their head, and the carpet wasn’t even in the same colour family as the drapes.

(BTW, first time I saw shaved pubes in a non-medical setting, I had happened across my brother’s copy of Penthouse.)

mops toast crumbs from monitor

I’ll leave the hilarious editing joke for others to make. But you saw them in a medical setting first? Playing doctor on a porn set doesn’t count.

I’ve been doing it for 5-6 years, and it had nothing to do with porn. It had everything to do with being considerate to my wife, who enjoys spending time down there. She regularly comments on how smooth I am, to her and my enjoyment.

I do it every day or every other day in the shower, with just a little soap & water to help the razor slide smoothly. Doing it frequently, it only takes 2-3 minutes. If I wait a week it takes more time.

With a straight razor and very carefully and never when I’m hiccupping.

I use antlers in all of my decorating.

I don’t follow. In what way could it possibly limit sex?

I shave regularly, at least once a week, but most of the time twice a week. I do it straight after shower, when my balls are completely dry. I then take a regular Gilette razor, and carefully shave my sack using no cream whatsoever. Because I shave so often, the hairs are very fine and the shave gets much smoother and won’t itch.

Why do I shave? Because I like the feeling of a smooth sack, and I like my partner to put them in his mouth without him flossing at the same time. I prefer him to be tha same way.

However, I do not shave everything. The front I keep trimmed, because if it is completely barren it does look freaky. As if you’re screwing a 10 year old.

If both of you don’t shave regularly, and you’re male and female, sex becomes much like I imagine porcupine sex is like.

“Ok ow ow spread your labia, ok I’m entering hold it open, hold it ok I’m in”

That would’ve paid better and been slightly less gross. I was a CNA from ages 17-19. I had the joy of shaving some people pre-op. None of them were attractive. Some of the old guys were way too interested in waving their willies about.

Gonna give a legit answer, as a guy i probably shave like once a month on request from the girl i’m with (she’ll notice the forest is getting out of control) . I generally just grab some scissors trim it done, then take shaving cream or like conditioner, lather it and just grab a nice razor and just ease at it piece by piece from top to bottom, takes a while since the razor gets clogged every swipe but aye i do it for the lady.

Why on earth would you do that?

When I was having our babies the hospital automatically shaved the women (I understand they no longer do that), I remember the hair growing back driving me crazy itching and public scratching of that area is really frowned upon.

Here you have it folks, MrsTime has never watched a baseball game.

Hence the necessity of maintaining it. I’ve only rarely been in your situation, so I’m no expert, but isn’t oral much more enjoyable if you don’t have to fish tiny hairs from between your teeth? I know that if I’m sucking some guy’s balls, I prefer them clean shaven. I can’t imagine that to be any different with women.

Also, when my guy has not at least trimmed his ass, my cock is raw after a while of too much friction. Does that not happen with vaginas as well? Or am I getting too graphic here and venturing into TMI area?

TMI territory? That train has left the station, passed into the tunnel, out again, and is miles down the road.

I didn’t like the oily feel and smell. I first worried about cutting myself with a razor and tried Nair. It worked well, but then gave me a rash. So I started to shave with the same razor I used for my face. I used the same shaving foam too. I shaved just a little at a time at first, worried I would nick myself. I soon found that it is quite simple and I’ve never cut myself. I shave all of it, including the scrotum and base of the penis, as well as the butt crack. My wife was freaked out when I showed her how elastic the scrotum is. I can stretch it to completely cover my penis (but I guess that’s another thread). It is much easier and nicer to keep clean. There are a few days where it can be growing back and itchy, but I usually keep it shaved before that occurs. It was initially odd for my wife because it looked like a child’s, but she like’s the cleaner presentation and has grown accustomed to it.
